Thank you for your reply. The corresponding generated case ID was not found
here. Can you please help advance this request? We urgently need this API
permission to help better carry out advertising expansion.
Best Regards
On Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6:26:59 PM UTC+8 Google Ads API Forum
Hello Team,
I had submitted the Google Ads API developer token Basic Access Application
on Oct 1th, 2023. It has been *more than 3 weeks* since then neither I have
received any application acknowledgement email nor I have received a basic
access token permission.
We really need to get this
- MCC ID:666-659-1096
On Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 1:30:01 PM UTC+8 Google Ads API Forum
Advisor wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
> After reviewing your concern, I understand that you have applied for API
> access. Since the access
It’s been almost a month since my API application has been approved. Can
you help advance the progress?
Also find us on our blog:
You received this m
I applied for API token audit permission in September and planned to use
it for our own BI reports to achieve better advertising optimization and
data summary. However, I have not received any email reply until today. Is
there anyone who can help to advance the progress?