Re: Failed to exchange authorization code for access token.

2021-05-25 Thread manisha tiwari
Hi Team, Thank you for your response. The sequence of steps as follows: 1. Obtained credential details from 2. Used above credentials in 'AdWords.Examples.CSharp.OAuth.csproj'->web.config' as below: • Client ID: 454724745580-spfpvqbssfjtfuv63a208uvfc09636ub.ap

Failed to exchange authorization code for access token.

2021-05-19 Thread manisha tiwari
Hi Team, I'm trying to build an Ad and Campaign for a Webapp using the Google's AdWorks API. 1. I created the OAuth 2.0 ClientID details using ''. 2. I used the client details in the web.config of AdWords.Examples.CSharp.OAuth and tried the 'Authorize User