Re: Failed to exchange authorization code for access token.

2021-05-25 Thread manisha tiwari
;AdWordsApiException: Exception of type 'Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib.AdWordsApiException' was thrown. Customer passed in an invalid token in the header.. (Error: QuotaCheckError.INVALID_TOKEN_HEADER, FieldPath: Trigger: New developers must use the Google Ads API.) " On Fri, 21 May 2021 at 00:06, Google Ads API Forum Advisor Pro

Failed to exchange authorization code for access token.

2021-05-19 Thread manisha tiwari
Hi Team, I'm trying to build an Ad and Campaign for a Webapp using the Google's AdWorks API. 1. I created the OAuth 2.0 ClientID details using ''. 2. I used the client details in the web.config of AdWords.Examples.CSharp.OAuth and tried the 'Authorize User

Re: Getting negative keywords added to negative list ,for a specified time ,using change history API

2018-11-23 Thread manisha
Thanks for reply. I did explore these two services but I am more interested in getting the timestamp at which they are added. Both campaigncriterionservice and adgroup criterion service provided me the details of keyword added but the timestamp at which they are added is unknown. My requirement

Getting negative keywords added to negative list ,for a specified time ,using change history API

2018-11-23 Thread manisha
I am trying to fetch change history for last 30 days for number of negative keywords added by user. I am able to fetch the negative keywords added at campaign level as well as ad group level by using CustomerSyncServiceInterface, source example at below link: