Re: DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql got empty data

2018-01-23 Thread lijy8023
Thank you I think you may not understand my means. i need's data like Geo Performance report's description[The Geo Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the country/territory level, one row per country/territory] i need campaign's cost in every country. but it looks like The Ge

Re: DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql got empty data

2018-01-08 Thread lijy8023
Thanks You i get data buy this swql SELECT CampaignId,Impressions, Clicks, Cost,Id FROM CAMPAIGN_LOCATION_TARGET_REPORT DURING YESTERDAY it's return me Report was downloaded and printed below: "CAMPAIGN_LOCATION_TARGET_REPORT (Jan 7, 2018)" Campaign ID,Impressions,Clicks,Cost,Location 93494369

Re: Oath2 client was not found

2018-01-02 Thread lijy8023
I use PHP version sdk has meet this problem too It's because a PHP system function ini_restore() has been disable Hope can help you 在 2017年12月29日星期五 UTC+8上午1:40:56,orensa...@gmail.com写道: > > WARNING:googleads.common:Your default encoding, cp1252, is not UTF-8. > Please run > this script with UTF

Re: DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql got empty data

2018-01-02 Thread lijy8023
Thank you Through your answer I can get data now But I have a new question now I got data is like below Campaign ID,Conversions,Impressions,Clicks,Cost 990364463,118.00,924953,5185,1643015598 936797417,1335.00,2679162,16878,12916141088 953142174,2533.00,1263598,26275,1118543755 934943696,1650

DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql got empty data

2017-12-28 Thread lijy8023
Hi I Run the demo code DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql.php ,not get any [Impressions,clicks,cost] data. if set incloudeZeroImpressions False get this if set incloudeZeroIm

i can't get reporting data through DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql.php or DownloadCriteriaReportWithSelector.php

2017-12-28 Thread lijy8023
Hi i can't get reporting data through DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql.php or DownloadCriteriaReportWithSelector.php this is the result Report was downloaded and printed below: "CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT (Dec 20, 2017-Dec 26, 2017)" Campaign ID,Ad group ID,Keyword ID,Keyword / Placement,Criter