Re: not able to link google bussines location to camapign

2024-11-12 Thread globe media (GPL)
ailure","errors":[{"errorCode":{"criterionError":"CANNOT_SET_FEED_OR_FEED_ITEM_SETS_FOR_CUSTOMER"},"message":"Cannot set feed or feed item sets for this Customer.","trigger":{"int64Value":"443307584"},"locati

Re: not able to link google bussines location to camapign

2024-11-12 Thread globe media (GPL)
New Business Profile feed created with ID: 443307092 Syncing filtered Business Profile locations to Google Ads... Successfully added 2 filtered Business Profile locations to Google Ads. Linking Business Profile locations to campaign customers/2737642247/campaigns/21898412612... Error linking Busin

not able to link google bussines location to camapign

2024-11-12 Thread globe media (GPL)
"Cannot set feed or feed item sets for this Customer. i am getting this error Error linking Business Profile locations to campaign: {"error":{"code":400,"message":"Request contains an invalid argument.","status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT","details":[{"@type":"

Not able to create account through manager account api

2024-09-30 Thread globe media (GPL)
hey, I have a manager account that satisfies the criteria of 1000 $ but I am not able to create an account through API but not able to do it getting error { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",

not able to bulk create perfomance max assestgroup

2024-09-15 Thread globe media (GPL)
so i am trying to create assetgroup in perfomance max with bulk creation as it it is an non retail " In a non-retail Performance Max campaign, an AssetGroup and all AssetGroupAsset objects linking the minimum required assets

Not able to create custom conversion goals in google ads version 17 via rest api

2024-07-10 Thread globe media (GPL)
Hello , i am using rest api for creating campaign ,i need set campaign conversion goals neither the generic nor the custom , const createConversionGoals = async ( customerId, accessToken, developerToken ) => { const goals = { campaign: "customers/3300782374/campaigns/21459121432",