please show how to do this with php _setSoapHeaders
AdWords API Advisor wrote:
> Hi,
> The v13 API doesn't use a RequestHeader element to wrap the header
> values. Instead each header value is it's own SOAP header.
> ...
> ...
I am trying with this code.
$options = array ('email' => $email,
'password' => $password,
'clientEmail' => $client_email,
'useragent' => $useragent,
'developerToken' => $developer_token,
'applicationToken' => $application_token
$namespace = '
Is there any example using php library?
I know the php libraray does not support v13.
so i wanted to know any example to use php for v13.
I am trying to find an example to dowload daily reports using the old api (
The example present was to create a report job which returns a job id and
the use that job id to get the report.
Isn't there a way to download the reports which are generated daily?
We have created a re