UPDATE: I change the cUrl options from -F to -d and that fixed the cUrl
command so at least I know I can get an access token via server-to-server
UPDATE: I "shaded" in some more jars so know I have a new stack trace:
java -cp /hadoop/user/findlaw/jars/adwords/AdWordsApi.jar
Yes I'm using the AdWords API Java client library.
Here is my command to execute the application:
java -cp /hadoop/user/findlaw/jars/adwords/AdWordsApi.jar
-Dhttp.proxyHost=webproxy.h.corp.services -Dhttp.proxyPort=80
Okay, I'm stuck authenticating to the Google API and looking for ideas. I
have tried so many suggestions from the web but none seem to get me past
the connection issue.
I am waiting to talk to a Linux admin to see if the proxy is blocking
outbound requests to Google, but I thought I would po
Okay, I'm stuck authenticating to the Google API.
NOTE: I am waiting to hear back from the network people on what might be in
some logs, but I thought I would post a question here in case there is
something else I can do.
If I created the following cURL command correctly, the following is what