doesn't contain the reportJobId to get
> the URL of. Can you ensure that you are passing in this value
> correctly?
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Jan 28, 3:16 pm, adword user
> wrote:
> > I have made the necessasary
I have made the necessasary changes and here is the updated code.
$soapHeaders = ''.$email.''
$xmlvar = new SoapVar($soapHeaders,
$namespace = 'htt
I am trying to get reports using v13 api.
$soapHeaders = ''.$email.''
$xmlvar = new SoapVar($soapHeaders,
$namespace = '
this thing working. I have tried to use
v13 but can't see to get it working.
Code samples to do this will be of great help.
adword user.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Is it possible to Download reports under the Old report center using
the new api (v201008)?
If not , is there a php example of how to do it using v13?
I tried to check for the full example
but it