- AdWords API Team
> On Monday, February 18, 2013 6:41:33 AM UTC-5, Timo Aarnio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It seems the person controlling the MCC account has only given the rights
>> to read data for the test account.. I'll have to ask him change the right
ther services?
> running other examples.
> Best,
> - David
> On Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:27:44 PM UTC-5, David Torres wrote:
>> Hi Timo,
>> I've forwarded your issue to the team. I will have you a response soon.
we need look at in our side.
> You should be using the test account credentials and not the MCC, as I
> believe you are doing correctly.
> Best,
> - David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Friday, January 25, 2013 11:57:03 AM UTC-5, Timo Aarnio wrote:
>> H
I'm currently trying to add campaigns for the test account. But when I run
the script, it throws "Fault occurred while processing." error.
The error seems to happen when the script tries to mutate budget: [Jan 25
2013 18:03:48.00 - ERROR] email=testemail effectiveUser=123456789
I'm currently trying to add campaigns to my test account. But when running
the script I get this error: "Fault occurred while processing."
The error seems to happen when the script tries to add using the
[Jan 25 2013 19:03:26.00 - ERROR] email=testemail