Search Query Performance Report missing Custom Parameter

2016-03-02 Thread Sean Busa
I'm not sure what the use of including the trackingUrlTemplate in the report is, shouldn't this report include the Custom Parameter field, so that we can actually access our custom parameters used in the trackingUrlTemplate? Is there a time table for adding this field? Thanks, Sean -- -- =

AdWords API Criteria Performance Report - YouTube InSearch Data inclusion

2015-10-26 Thread Sean Busa
Hi, Since last week we started seeing YouTube InSearch campaign results included in the Criteria Performance Report but not InDisplay. Is this an expected functionality? The data comes down with zero clicks but includes impressions and cost. So when I match the data against the Account level da

I don't see impressions available in the new v201509 Video Performance Report

2015-10-20 Thread Sean Busa
Is this something that will be added soon? In the Google Developer definition for the new report it shows the 'Supports zero impressions' Boolean attribute and also in the click type field it mentions "The Impressions field will reflect how often the ad was served with that click type available

Upgraded URL / CriteriaDestinationUrl empty in CriteriaPerformanceReport

2015-05-01 Thread Sean Busa
I work for an agency which needs to parse parameters out of the destination url through in reporting to tie back to conversions. We upgraded a single test account and now are not seeing any URL in any of the following fields: CriteriaDestinationUrl FinalAppUrlsFinalMobileUrls TrackingU

Managed Placements Performance Report - mobileappcategory:: and mobileapp:: placements.

2012-10-02 Thread Sean Busa
We can see data when we pull this report via the UI, the AdGroups are set up under AdMob, however when I pull the report for the same date range via the API using v201206 adhoc Managed Placement Reports. I cannot see the same data for the account. There also doesn't appear to be a column availa