I created the operation like this
operations = []
operation << {
:operator => 'ADD',
:operand => {
:xsi_type => 'NegativeCampaignCriterion',
:campaign_id => campaignId,
:criterion => {
:xsi_type => 'Vertical',
:id => 29,
:path => ["Real Estate"]
How to download a report using reportDefinitionService.downloadReport,
which should return a csv values. Can anyone give me the ruby code for
this scenario?
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I wrote my update code like this. Is this code was right? I don't want
to merge the criterions which takes more conditions to check rather
than remove and add campaignCriterions.
require 'rubygems'
require 'adwords_api'
API_VERSION = :v201109
adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new
I am trying to update the CampaignCriterion using the operation
operation = {
:operator => 'SET',
:operand => {
:xsi_type => 'NegativeCampaignCriterion',
:campaign_id => campaign_id,
:criterion => {:xsi_type => 'Gender', :id => 11}
I am stuck with the following err
I migrated to adwords version v201109. The line in my campaign.rb
rtb = campaign_srv.module::RealTimeBiddingSetting.new
causes the following error
undefined method `module' for #"
How to create new RealTimeBiddingSetting in this version?
Hi tony
Have u found solutin for this problem? I am also getting the same
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I am using google-adwords version v201101. When trying to insert the
RemarketingUserList, I am getting the following error
My UserListTest.java