YES true. Thanks alot for your help. I appriciate this.
Also find us on our blog and Google+:
Adding Date return many duplicate records and i am applying unique by if on
that duplicate record. Can you please confirm what field should i get instead
of DATE if i really needed the DATE ?
Also find us on our blog and Google+:
I just regenerated the Refresh token and Access token. My problem is not
resolved yet, as I am still getting the same error.
I am using Ruby wrapper,
and I also asked the question here:
*Date in CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT * also have the same issue
if I need the Date (Day) then what should I do of these multiple records ?
On Wednesday, 2 September 2009 13:49:19 UTC+6, Zweitze wrote:
> Try leaving out columns MaximumCPC and MaxContentCPC.
> A short explanation is that these
Thanks Joyce,
Things worked for me :)
If anyone needs help in ruby (ruby on rails) here is an example;
require 'adwords_api'
> config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config/adwords_api_test.yml'))
> API_VERSION = :v201607
> adwords =
> campaign_criterion_srv = adw
Hi Joyce,
I have tried that sample that worked without campaign ID, i.e, it gives me
results of location names
When I updated my selector with Campaign ID predicate:
selector = {
> :fields => ['CampaignId', 'Id', 'LocationName', 'CanonicalName',
> 'DisplayType',
> 'ParentLocat
I had the same issue, resolved finally, not sure why this happen and what
is the difference between Manager Id and Leaf account id; but I resolved by
doing this.
Check the customer client ID of your user,
Check if this match with your adwords account manager id (the account with
which you are
I am trying to retrieve the detail of campaign, but I am not able to find
any solution of getting Targeted location against campaign id, with
targeted location, radius map, and reach.
Hi All,
I was using google-adwords-api :v201601 of the api, and as we know its
depreciated on August 27.
There is an error that I faced on :v201601
*AdwordsApi::Errors::ReportError (HTTP code: 400, body: !!!2|||-1|||Invalid
version for use with report XML???):*
this is happening when I try