AdWords API Invalid ads user id in loginCookie. User id: -1 (2009 Production)

2009-09-08 Thread royce
Hi there, I am getting the "AuthenticationError.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED @ ; trigger:'Invalid ads user id in loginCookie. User id: -1" when I try to add a campaign in the production environment. I am using the PHP AuthToken.php and SoapClientFactory.php programs. Any idea what the problem is? Than

AdWords API getting NotWhitelistedError.CUSTOMER_NOT_WHITELISTED_FOR_API

2009-08-27 Thread Royce
Hi there, we recently started testing with the 2009 API - Our testing worked fine in the sandbox. Today we got an email saying that we were approved for the production environment. Our Google Adwords - My Account -> AdWords API Center says that our application token was approved, but we still ge