Discrepancy in Impressions Sum When Using geo_target_postal_code Segment in user_location_view

2023-12-29 Thread Pawan Rai
Hi everyone, I've encountered a discrepancy in impression counts when using the `geo_target_postal_code` segment in the Google Ads API (user_location_view). Here are the details: 1. *When querying for impressions with the segment:* Select metrics.impressions, segm

Why does the API return different results than the UI when using paid_organic_search_term_view?

2023-10-17 Thread Pawan Rai
table from API = paid_organic_search_term_view API Query : SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, campaign.id, campaign.name, customer.id, customer.descriptive_name, customer.currency_c

Re: Why does the API return different results than the UI when using paid_organic_search_term_view?

2023-10-17 Thread Pawan Rai
Any solution to this problem yet? I am also facing the same issue. If you found any answer please let me know On Monday, January 16, 2023 at 10:25:38 PM UTC+5:30 Nelson Brochado wrote: > Sorry, the screenshot above is the wrong one. It should be this one. > > [image: paid_organic_report.png] >

My Google Ads organic Search data is not matching between API and UI

2023-10-17 Thread Pawan Rai
Table Name API: paid_organic_search_term_view Query: SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group.name, campaign.id, campaign.name, customer.id, customer.descriptive_name, customer.currency_code,