Time is ticking and we still could not implement OAuth2 for server
applicaiton in our dot net applications to replace current ClientLogon
class. Could any one share your experiences in do so. Could Adwords api
team confirm the depreciation date of current clientLogon class.
are considering JWT
> workflow over installed applications with offline access?
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Monday, 10 December 2012 07:44:06 UTC+5:30, OzChad wrote:
>> We are currently on the schedule to update clientLogin a
s for the same.
> Just out of curiosity, is there any reason why you are considering JWT
> workflow over installed applications with offline access?
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Monday, 10 December 2012 07:44:06 UTC+5:30, OzChad wrote:
We are currently on the schedule to update clientLogin authentication to
new OAuth2 in our window service (running on schedule to exchange data with
adwords, there is no user interaction). However after searching around I
couldn't find any clear answers for the parameters required to construct
Could we get value track parameter in redirect url such as {keyword}
replaced by adwords for campaigns in display network?
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
itable for search campaigns,
> though you should be able to get a special 300 keyword id in them for
> display campaign that basically summarizes all stats for display keywords.
> Best,
> -David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:12:50 AM
More and more people start to use Google display network for online
advertising. theoretical speaking ads in display network are also triggered
by keywords. However when we try to retrieve data in keyword performance
report (api) for display network campaigns we got empty report. The value
Hi, More and more people start to use Google display network for online
advertising. theoretical speaking ads in display network are also triggered
by keywords. However when we try to retrieve data in keyword performance
report (api) for display network campaigns we got empty report. The value