Hi again,
We have changed our implementation to retry the operation if we get this
exception and that seems to work.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
manual re-authentication, i.e requests a new
access-token, it works until it is time to refresh it. We've had similar
problems before, but in those cases it was a Rate Limit Exceeded that
caused the TokenResponseException. This cause looks a bit strange as i
one with containing both the
old and new field mapping attributes.
Den onsdagen den 6:e november 2013 kl. 14:58:52 UTC+1 skrev Magnus Ljung:
> Hi,
> I have a feed for sitelinks with mappings for the text and url fields. Now
> I see that the description 1 and 2 fields are gene
> Best,
> - Takeshi, AdWords API Team
> On Friday, November 1, 2013 12:04:05 AM UTC+9, Magnus Ljung wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any way to remove feed attributes
which seems more logical, but the API responded
Is it possible to add attribute field mappings to an existing FeedMapping?
If not, what is the recommended way to add support for description fields
for sitelinks?
Is there any way to remove feed attributes from a feed? If that is
impossible, can I change the name of a feed attribute somehow?
I have some buggy code that have created some unwanted attributes on a feed
and I'd like to clean that up.