Could you please clarify some questions for me?
- Is it possible to set/get payment source requisites (who pays) in API?
- Is it possibleto to get payment destination requisites (of client
account) to make a payment from external payment system?
Could you please help me how I can add user to have access in my account
in API?
This is what I'm talking about in web: http://prntscr.com/cw9f6v
I'm looking for api-call like this:
$myAuthorizedAccount->sendAccessInvite($invitedUserEmail, $grantLevel)
I cant find how to process this action via API call?
I have an account, and I want to invite another user into this account
knowing his email?
I expect API-call like $myAuthorizedUser->invite($otherUserEmail,
Thank you!