If i could get the headline that got displayed to the user onto my landing
page along with gclid, campaign id, adgroup id, it would be perfect
On Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 3:58:56 PM UTC+5:30 Google Ads API Forum
Advisor wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for getting back to us.
> In order to as
Thank you for ur response.
>From what I understand, i have to pin the headline right?
If I have 15 headline, and if I don't pin any headline, is there any
possibility of me getting which headlines were shown to the user and get it
using value track params?
On Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 3:0
I have 15 headlines in my Ad asset. Is there any way how i can get which of
headlines were shown to the user when the ad was served?
Also find us on our blog:
Just to clarify :
I gave the site leadsGeneration.com [as an example NAME and this specific
domain is NOT owned by me]
That said,
My business model is to onboard small advertisers and help them generate
leads on my website.
In my website, I will list their business and advertise using my Google
I'm going to start a site called "leadsGeneration.com"
wherein 'im going to advertise for different domains, eg, holidayhomes,
interior designers, travel and tourism, etc.
The landing page for all the ads are going to be my domain and i'm gonna
say that I'm the official marketing partner for each
My Manger Account id:
We're waiting for Basic Access for 3 months. 3 forms were sent.
Despite reaching out to the Google Ads support service and Google Ads
Account Manager multiple times via the request form, all our inquiries
remain unanswere
Using create campaign API, I want to add Final URLs to every keyword, as we
can add in the UI. See the screenshot below
[image: Screenshot 2023-08-24 094645.png]
Also find us on our blog:
Dear team,
I was testing my APIs and i got the error message
I was testing Forecast API.
What am I doing wrong?
How can i avoid it?
How can i wait for 52000 seconds for continue the work?
Is there any place where i can check this quota?
Too many requests. Retry in 52305 seconds
Number of operation
We figured this out. The error stems from a violation of the medical
terminology used in our ad.
On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 9:44 AM Google Ads API Forum Advisor
> Hi Joe,
> Thanks for reaching out to Google Ads API Support.
> With regards to your concern, can you confirm if you are usin
How do I fix "Too few elements in the collection"? I am creating an ad
Also find us on our blog:
You received this me
new developer token.
On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 10:29:01 UTC+5:30 Sinu Joseph wrote:
> Do you have any update for me? I'm unable to use the API with new
> developer token
> On Wednesday, 7 June 2023 at 20:03:03 UTC+5:30 Sinu Joseph wrote:
>> I have s
Do you have any update for me? I'm unable to use the API with new developer
On Wednesday, 7 June 2023 at 20:03:03 UTC+5:30 Sinu Joseph wrote:
> I have sent the details in private
> On Wednesday, 7 June 2023 at 17:32:09 UTC+5:30 Google Ads API Forum
> Advisor wrot
I have sent the details in private
On Wednesday, 7 June 2023 at 17:32:09 UTC+5:30 Google Ads API Forum Advisor
> Hi Joseph,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API forum. I hope that you
> are doing well today.
> Could you please inform us what err
Dear Team,
Is the Google ads API down? I'm trying to connect and it keeps giving me
grpc error
Also find us on our blog:
You received this message be
We have an accounting app that connects to our clients' ad platforms
(microsoft, meta, amazon, tiktok, etc) regularly to pull account spend.
This is usually done through a quick oauth loop where the client logs in &
grants permission, we get an access token, and automatically pull their
The Forecast Curve API gives only 1000 records. Is there any way i can get
more than 1000 data points? PFA the output that i get using Forecast Curve
Also find us on our blog:
Dear Team,
In Keyword Ideas, I can see this filter in the frontend. This filter is
shown in the result screen of keyword ideas.
Is there any API available so that i can use this feature?
[image: keyword ideas.png]
Also find us
I am building a performance asset group, and was wondering if we need to
upload all videos to youtube first if we want to use them (because i don't
see a VIDEO type asset). Is there any other way to add videos (via REST
API) without having to upload on youtube?
Thank you!
42:58 PM UTC-4 adsapi wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API team. I hope you are doing
> well today.
> With regard to your concern, to investigate the issue further, could you
> please provide the complete request
> <https:
Hello, I've been having difficulty creating assetGroup via REST API.
This is the error message I get
`"errors": [
"errorCode": {
"message": "Headline asset for a valid asset group is not enough.",
"trigger": {
"stringValue": "Asset type: headlin
reate assets, so I am not sure how i can
satisfy the above asset requirements.
I've sent this same email via Reply Privately option as well, so it would
be great if I could get the reply to my email.
Thank you!
On Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 9:43:34 PM UTC-4 adsapi wrote:
> Hi Joseph
Hi, thanks for your reply!
I was not sure if my follow-up request has been sent. (I sent it with
'Reply to author'). If it did, would I receive the reply via my email?
Thank you!
On Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 3:09:41 PM UTC-4 adsapi wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
I tried creating an assetGroup via REST API on a campaign that was created
in console, I constantly get the following errors. I used
with all required fields from the google document.
I'm unable to see that property in C#. Also, KeywordAnnotation property is
available, but i cannot get any value since it is a readonly property.
Can you let me know how to set the KeywordPlanKeywordAnnotation, so that i
can get Branded and Non-Branded Concepts?
[image: Keyword Ideas.png]
For my request in C#,
GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest request = new GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest()
I want to send keyword annotation as a part of request.
when i say request.KeywordAnnotation, then says it is only get and i cannot
Is there any other option available for me to get Keyword ann
I am encountering a crash when attempting to instantiate an
logger.info("Creating OfflineUserDataJobServiceClient...");
try {
offlineUserDataJobServiceClient =
I'm starting off on google ads api. So please excuse me for a dumb question.
I ran the Google Forecast Metrics API for a set of keywords. Below is the
output of the API.
"campaignForecasts": [
Hello Team,
I am trying to query or retrieve reports from the googleAds api such as
geo_perfromance_report, keywords_performance_report using the newest
version, so far Im unsuccessful in retrieving them.
this is one of the error that i
*get IsFault: True, FaultMessage: Error in GEO_PERFORMANCE_R
Hi Peter,
Thanks for getting back to me, that's really helpful to know, thank you!
All the best,
On Tuesday, 13 July 2021 at 04:03:46 UTC+1 adsapi wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> Thank you for reaching out to our API support team.
> The *Uploads* tab in the *Conversions* v
I've uploaded my offline click conversions to Google Ads via the API and
believe it was done successfully from the Tracking Status -> Last
conversion recorded, but nothing appears in the uploads tab. Is there any
way to view the uploads made through the API much like you can if done via
Hi All,
I am trying to use the Google Adwords API to adjust the maxCpcBidCeiling for
a Shared Bidding Target CPA Bid Strategy.
One of the required fields to do this correctly is to inc
gt; Hi,
> We're aware of this issue and I'm actively looking into it. I'll provide
> an update as soon as I have more information.
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 1:36:16 PM UTC-5, Joseph Collins wrote:
A user of our system is seeing a significant disagreement between our data
and the AdWords Express interface. Below are user-provided screenshots of
the AdWords Express CID in question, its dashboard and our API request /
The mismatch between the 'Hayworth Equipment AWX' account de
When making a request for gender performance report for an ad account,
instead of just three rows for gender (male, female, undetermined), I get a
ton of duplicates apparently broken down by ad groups. How can I get them
aggregated at the account level? Same for age range.
*select* Criteria, Cl
Thanks for getting back to me. I'd have thanked you sooner, but I didn't
receive a notification that this was responded to for some reason.
Also find us on our blog and Google+:
I just want to make sure I'm not going overboard with the solution to this.
I'm trying to figure out how to get the list of campaigns for all accounts
under my management account.
Based on what I'm seeing in the documentation, it seems like I need to do
something along the lines of what's
the help >.<
Also find us on our blog and Google+:
You received this message because y
gle.com until you receive one).
On Friday, March 7, 2014 1:18:10 PM UTC-5, Joseph Collins wrote:
> Ray,
> I have only seen this issue appear when Google's load balancer directs
> traffic to
I have only seen this issue appear when Google's load balancer directs
traffic to This issue affects adwords.google.com,
google.com, gmail.com, youtube.com, etc. with both HTTP (cURL feedback: *Recv
failure: Connection was reset*) and HTTPS (cURL feedback: *Unknown SSL
What is the API Access by Authentication token used for? I am bit confused
is it used to monitor API Usage or Access API? The Adwords learning Center
gave me very conflicting ideas [image: :smileyfrustrated:]
Also find us on our blog an
I am getting the following error message when I add the BidModifier field
to the adwords CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT to the report definition. The
error response has an empty trigger and a field path that reads
Error Response:
Thank you Kevin.
I would also like to know whether one can assign a corresponding ad to
a keyword while adding it.
On Sep 19, 11:19 pm, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> The AdGroupCriterionService allows you to create a
> BiddableAdGroupCriterion for which you ca
Is it possible to set maxCpc and ad for a particular keyword using the
API. Any info on this would be helpful.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
Hi adwords support team,
I operated some tasks with MCC account via API and I got some errors
which require to handle captcha.
So the question is why do I have to handle captcha while I paid for
Adwords API units? Or am I did something wrong with my PHP script?
This is the issue: I want to set Ad Schedule via APIs instead of go to
my Google Adwords page, just like below example:
- Monday to Friday: Running from 8:00 to 17:00, bid 100%
- Saturday: Running from 8:00 to 12:00, bid 50%
How can I do this with PHP Code and API v201101?
Thanks in advance
Is there any PHP script to get all keywords from an existing Ad Group?
Thanks in advance :)
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I'm stuck with this problem: InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR
@ [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@126c1bc after run script
I don't know how to run this script successfully, I didn't make any change
in the script, and the error is thrown into my face all
Use your gmail account to work with adwords apis in sandbox.
Find file auth.ini in your adwords apis folder then input something like
email = "youracco...@gmail.com"
password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
userAgent = "MOZ"
applicationToken = "ignored"
developerToken = "youracco...@gmail.com++U
I am new to Google Adwords API and I have an issue need to be treated.
Sorry for stupid question but how can I add keywords to an existing
Campaign/Adgroup or Ad using PHP code? I am using v201101.
Please give me a hand. Thanks so much.
same "IDEA" - "dan brown" that worked for
months). When I comment AVERAGE_TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES part - it
On Jul 27, 1:31 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Joseph,
> The AdWords API is a SOAP API. It sounds like you may be using a
> cli
> > execution. It works on sandbox.
> > Please help.
> > Thanks,
> > Iosif.
> > On Jul 21, 12:46 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> > wrote:
> > > Hi Joseph,
> > > The value of getMin() in this case is a LongValue, which has a
On Jul 21, 12:46 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Joseph,
> The value of getMin() in this case is a LongValue, which has a
> "number" field that contains the actual number:
> http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/v2009/docs/reference-v200909/Targ..
, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Joseph,
> It should be range.getMin() and range.getMax using the Java client
> library.
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Jul 19, 10:48 am, josephfeygin wrote:
> > Hi Eric,
> > This is my problem I can not ext
Hi Eric,
This is my problem I can not extract min and max Values from Range.
Could you please give me an example or methods that I have to use?
On Jul 16, 5:07 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Joseph,
I try to get aapprox_content_impressions_per_day for placement. It
returns very srange values like:
This is extract from my code. Any Ideas? Please Help.
if (page.getEntries() != null &&
page.getEntries().length > 0) {
There are Services to GetRelatedKeywords for a given Keyword and
GetRelatedPlacements for a given website.
Is it possible to get Related Placements to a given Keyword.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I have already setup v13 and now its down so I have to migrate to
v200909. Now the issue is the newer version is not supporting the
schedule performance reporting. And when I am using v13 then its
giving the fake result but as per the google blog I can still use v13
for those services which are not
Good suggesiton!
Sorry, the code now can work , the error was caused by the wrong email
information, thanks any way!
On Nov 14, 3:34 am, AdWords API Advisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Joseph,
> It's definitely not a good idea to share your password or toke
Hi Zweitze ,
We already have application Token and developer's Token, we
still are not identified ? If not , how can we get identified by MCC?
I wonder if you can give me your email address , so i can give you the
login information including : email/password & 2 tokens ,Apprecited
I tried to test the GetAccountInfo funciton, but why I always get
the exception like the mai subject said, Could anybody tell me why? Of
course I have replace the input information by my own data
Thank you so much!
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