I am attempting to execute a TargetingIdeaService get request
with LocationSearchParameter as a postal code criterion ID. It works when a
city criterion ID, but fails
with TargetingIdeaError.INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMETERS when a postal criterion
ID is used. I've seen questions about this bef
I am running batch jobs for an Adwords account with 120 campaigns. For each
campaign, I run one batch job containing 7000 CampaignCriterion mutate
operations. 30 of the 120 batch jobs failed with the following
"fieldPath": "",
"trigger": "",
"errorString": "B
We are running report downloads in a clustered environment using a custom
rate limiter. I have been adjusting QPS in an attempt to avoid rate
exceeded errors. I am down to 5 QPS which works fine until enough clustered
workers are running, at which point I start to see rate exceeded errors.