Unexpected internal API error

2020-02-12 Thread Ignacio Guillermo Martinez
Hello, I am running into some trouble when adding criteria to an adgroup. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/googleads/common.py", line 992, in MakeSoapRequest *packed_args, _soapheaders=soap_headers)['body']['rval'] File "/usr/local

Adding audiences through the API

2020-01-15 Thread Ignacio Guillermo Martinez
How can I add a set of audiences to my adgroup based on a set of IDs? For example: Audience Financial Services>Credit & Lending>Credit Cards News & Politics Lifestyles & Hobbies Media & Entertainment with their corresponding IDs: ID 80141 92949 92947 93034 Is there any way to do this

How to download a custom report through the API?

2019-10-16 Thread Ignacio Guillermo Martinez
Hello, I have been searching information on how to download custom reports (or predefined ones) through the API. I was wondering if this is possible. The only information I have found about it is the following, but I am not sure if it corresponds to what I'm trying to do: https://developers.goo

AddGmailAdd.java APIException

2019-09-17 Thread Ignacio Guillermo Martinez
Hello, I need to create a GmailAd. However, when modifying the code example in: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-java-lib/blob/967957cc4f6076514e3a7926fe653e4f1f7cc9c9/examples/adwords_axis/src/main/java/adwords/axis/v201809/advancedoperations/AddGmailAd.java Adding my own AdGroupId, I