Error removing ShareSet

2016-11-16 Thread Ian Broadhead
Hi, For the last few days, we are getting expecting error while trying to remove a shareset : SharedSetError.SHARED_SET_IN_USE @ operations[0].operand.sharedSetId. I guess that this error is raising because the shareshet is attached to a campaign. But, the previous step in our program is t

Targeting Service - Rate limit

2016-07-07 Thread Ian Broadhead
Hi, For the last few days, we got more RATE_EXCEEDED errors than before calling the Targeting service through the v201605 API. It does seem we are calling the service at the same rate as before using the v201509 api, were there any changes on the targeting service ? Does the rate limit has been

ReĀ : Re: Difference between adwords API v13 and v2011 in Keywords Reporting

2011-08-01 Thread Ian Broadhead
Hi, I finally find how to exclude negative keywords from our retrieved reports. You can see the code below, retrieving anf filtering the "IsNegative" field. Problem seems to be solved, public Long getReportDefinitionIdForUser(AdWordsUser user, String startDate, String endDate) thro

Difference between adwords API v13 and v2011 in Keywords Reporting

2011-07-28 Thread Ian Broadhead
Hi, We are facing a problem when retrieving "Keyword performance report" with v2011. In v13, thanks to the configuration of "DefinedReportJob", we were successfully retrieving the same content as in the adwords web interface (client reporting tab). In v2011 (now), we are retrieving much more ke