Good Day
Is there a way to set "Include past users who match these rules" when
creating Rule-based re-marketing audiences via the API
I am creating ExpressionRuleUserLists, but I don't see a way to set
"Include past users who match these rules"
And when I try to set it manually on GUI afterwards
Good day
I am trying to modify a Rule-based user list using the API.
For user lists that were created using the API, it words fine.
For user lists that were created manually via the AdWords GUI, I am getting
the exception UserListError.INVALID_TYPE
What I have seen when using the "get" is that th
I have a requirement to create HTML5 banner ads using the AdWords API.
When I create this type of ad manually through the AdWords GUI, it creates
TemplateAds with TemplateId = 419
In the AdWords API I don't see any documentation for this TemplateId.
Please can somebody confirm if it is possible
but do not know if
> it will ever make it to a production release. I will add your comments to
> that request so that they know there's demand for it. There does not seem
> to be any automated way around this currently.
> Regards,
> Mike, AdWords API Team
> On Sunda
Good day
I have a requirement to create Rule-based re-marketing audiences based on
the product-page URL for each product.
This is so that we can re-market visitors of a particular product-page with
the ad for that product.
Since there can be thousands of products, we cannot do this manually, and
I am trying to use the API to create in-stream video ads.
I am creating template ads using template id 49.
The videos that I need to use for the ads are all uploaded to YouTube, and
I have the YouTube URL for the video.
When trying to create the template ad, I am getting the error EMPTY_FIELD