As the title says
I have a developer token with unlimited access at but
i will lose access to it soon. So i would like to move it to Where do i even send this request?
Also find us on our blog and
I have an adwords account with an API token that works fine and is good for
the volume that i'm managing, but it was created on a legacy domain name
email, and i want to move everything under our current sure and safe domain
and eventually let go of that other domain.
I'm creating reports. So daily, i pull all the campaign data after 3 am,
per indications of API usage.
However, reviewing past dates, i found some campaigns that have more
clicks than i pulled the day after that day. (not sure if that made sense).
My guess would be that Google edited an inval
I'm currently using v201306 for my application, and i am aware it's going
to be sunsetted at the end of March.
If there's going to be a version higher than v201309 at least a good 4
weeks before the sunset date for the other version of the API i can wait
for it and implement it on March.
If n
First, *how can i pull data for all accounts and campaigns under an MCC? * If
i set the mcc as the account i get a CUSTOMER_SERVING_TYPE_REPORT_MISMATCH
And second, *where can i find documentation about the other
reportdefinition parameters?* There's only docs on reporttype, but i can't
I know the most frequent causes of this error are that i haven't signed the
TOS, or set up billing, but i did. Trust me i did.
The MCC account( 617-597-2674 ) is pretty active, and ony now are we going
to use the API. It has been active for a while, it would be impossible to
be where it's at w
I'm trying to connect to the API using the PHP client library. I get the
INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP error all the time.
The MCC account( 617-597-2674 ) has T&C's signed and billing info done for
a while. It's from an account that's very active, and it's been that way
for a while.
The Test account ( 347