e to filter by status in v200909. The
> field you were working with is for fetching statistics on your ads:
> http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/v2009/docs/reference/AdGroupAdSer...
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Jan 13, 4:53 am, Felfot wrote:
I was trying to use AdGroupAd webservice to get my 'paused'
Now I cannot do it. i get ALL of them.
this is what I have done:
AdGroupAdWebService.AdGroupAdServiceInterfaceClient adGroupAdService =
new AdGroupAdWebService.AdGroupAdServiceInterfaceClient();
selector.statsSelector =
when im doing the following code:
com.google.adwords.CampaignService service = new
i getthis error message:
Method CampaignService.get can not be reflected.
does anyone know why>?
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