It's working now. No problem with v201502.Geo_Performance_Report
On Saturday, 25 April 2015 01:52:34 UTC+8, AdWordsApiUser wrote:
> Started getting this error if city, or region is selected (if you select
> only country, it works OK) in the GEO_PERFORMANCE_REPORT. API v201409.
Was having the same issue starting today with v201409,
On Saturday, 25 April 2015 01:52:34 UTC+8, AdWordsApiUser wrote:
> Started getting this error if city, or region is selected (if you select
> only country, it works OK) in the GEO_PERFORMANCE_REPORT. API v201409.
would like to know is there a way to skip downloading keyword performance
report for each client that contains empty records for 7 days date range?
Right now we issued query based on CampaignStatus IN (Active, Paused) and
somehow several accounts return report with empty rows.
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