CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT returns zero metrics for User List

2016-07-28 Thread 'David Cabanillas' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, I'm running the DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql and I only I have modified String query = "SELECT CampaignId, AdGroupId, Id, Criteria, CriteriaType,CostPerAllConversion,AveragePosition,BidModifier," + "Impressions, Clicks, Cost FROM CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT " + "WHERE Stat

Re: How to do bid adjustment in re marketing using API ??

2016-07-15 Thread 'David Cabanillas' via AdWords API Forum
Hi VIshal, I'm tryng to do more or less the same. But in my case, I want not to create a new creterion I want to modify the bid adjustment from an existent criterion UserList type. Bi

Different results from Keyword Planner and GetKeywordIdeas

2016-01-05 Thread David Cabanillas
Hi, I'm usign Keyword Planner and the example provided by Adwords API GetKeyworkIdeas but they don't show the sames results. The GetKeyworkIdeas returns around 500 ideas and the Keyword Planner 801. I have only modified the language spanish 1003L at the and paging.setNum


2015-11-06 Thread david . cabanillas
I have modified the adwords.reporting.GetCampaigns this once gets a campaigns, goes around all the AdGroups (using GetAdGroups) reviewing that each AdGroups has or not a keyword associated to. After two run-time hours I have received the following exception. Exception in thread "main" AxisFault