Before we push further the investigation, we would like to know if
connectivity issues may be caused by a decision / issue on Google's side?
We have not been able to find out why we have connectivity issues (so far)
Many many thanks for a quick answer that may save us a lot of time
We get the following message when try to post an Ad containing the Euro
Symbol € (in description 1/2)
@ operations[0].operand.ad.description1,
ategy that I have
created in the shared library of the account. Can I make the change with
the API or can I only do it manually within the web-interface (as far as I
know, such a change cannot be done in adwords editor)
Le lundi 24 mars 2014 17:22:01 UTC+1, Ben Adwords API Profile a
We have a client who wishes to apply flexible bidding strategies to
specific adgroups based on their own data E
Example: the client decides to reduce the price of the product associated
to a given adgroup => when the price decrease appears in the adgroup => we
set a specific flexible bi