Hello there,
What is the best way to identify the data type that is shown as ENUM when
getting a response from this method in python library:
I was assuming that it is always "string" but just run into an example
where it is a string for one customer id and an integer
Hi there,
Im getting 504 Deadline Exceeded when running following query using python
'SELECT name, data_type, is_repeated'
I wonder if the problem is that im querying a huge account with 3million
ads? And if so what is the best way to fix this?
This same query works just fine with sm
Hi Dannison,
Thank you for your message,
Could you please help with the query?
When i do something like this with my master MCC:
'SELECT customer_client.client_customer, customer.manager FROM
I get customer.manager = true for all accounts. So this particular query
doesn't solve
Hello there,
Ive got a tree-like mcc structure, such as that mcc of multiple levels on
top of each other.
What is the best way to get a list of non-mcc customer ids in order to be
able to query stats for them (it is not possible to query for mcc account)?
This code return all accounts under ma
Hi there,
Im having similar issue,
this would get me list of all accounts, including mcc.
For example if we have tree-like structure with master MCC and multiple
level MCCs under it, what would be the best way to get a list of all
non MCC account under master MCC?
This is in order to collect rep
Hello there,
Im querying google ads api and need to save results as json. What is the
best way to convert GoogleAdsRow type into json?
The result of the google ads api call is GoogleAdsRow that looks like this:
campaign {
resource_name: "customers/321/campaigns/123"
id {
value: 123
Hi there
I'm looking for someone to code a basic script for editing Google Adwords
campaign using API.
Here are some functions script is expected to do:
1) Authorisation
2) Get data about campaign, ad groups, ads, keywords, bids, bid
recommendations and show them
3) Get data about current spend