Anyone have any ideas?
Il giorno giovedì 4 aprile 2013 09:56:24 UTC+2, Aere ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> i've migrated api from v2012 to v201302.
> I've a piece of code like this:
> ManualCPCAdGroupBids adGroupBids = new ManualCPCAdGroupBids();
> adGroupBids.
I don't understand your code... where you instantiate
Il giorno domenica 31 marzo 2013 21:06:20 UTC+2, Oliver ha scritto:
> I just tried the following code for a keyword and it seems to be working:
> BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguratio
I have the same problem!!
Il giorno mercoledì 3 aprile 2013 09:21:17 UTC+2, Taher Dhilawala ha
> How do I fetch keywordMaxCpc, keywordContentMaxCpc from an Adgroup object
> in v201302 Adwords API?
> Previously (in v201209) I used to do like this
> ManualCPCAdGroupBids adgroupBids
Hi all,
i've migrated api from v2012 to v201302.
I've a piece of code like this:
ManualCPCAdGroupBids adGroupBids = new ManualCPCAdGroupBids();
adGroupBids.setKeywordMaxCpc(new Bid(new Money(null, p_kwdMaxCpc)));
In the v201302 i don't find class ManualCPCAdGroupBid
> The only current way to get it is through the adhoc reports.
> Oliver
> On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:25:36 AM UTC+1, Aere wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> i've a prolem migrating from v201109 to v201206 api.
>> I've found th
Hi all,
i've a prolem migrating from v201109 to v201206 api.
I've found that there aren't some methods that I use. (sorry for my
I read the Migration Guide, but I don't found any that helps me...
I use a method: ...getStats().getCostPerConversion() but i Can't find in
Can any
Hi all,
I've download new java client library for new api (201109) but i can't get
login work on sandbox.
I think that depends by the configuration.
I use this:
### PRODUCTION (It seems to work)