Hi Joyce,
Can you give an example of the awql query to get store visits? I am unable
to retrieve that metric via the API.
This is what I started with...
ReportQuery query = new ReportQueryBuilder()
.Select("CampaignId", "AllConversions",
I keep getting an "Internal error encountered" response when trying to
access campaign data that previously worked fine. Can the Ads API team
help troubleshoot if I supply the request Id's?
Also find us on our blog:
Can you PLEASE give an example of how 'campaign' and
'metrics.all_conversions_from_store_visit' are "Selectable With" each
( Artifacts (Resources, segments, or metrics)* that can be used in the same
SELECT clause*: )
Using them in the same select statement like the docs say throws an
Sending links to poorly written, unclear documentation is not helpful and I
was really expecting more. Do you think the first thing someone does when
they have a question is post a question to a Google group?
NO, I have gone through all of the documentation for the Ads API. I have
read these
This query works fine,
string testQuery = $@"SELECT campaign.name,
campaign.campaign_budget, metrics.clicks, metrics.ctr, metrics.conversions,
FROM campaign";
but when the field 'metrics.all_conversions_from_store_visits' is
My API is making a call to the Google Ads API and returns successful, but
when I try to add new metrics it breaks.
string testQuery = $@"SELECT campaign.name,
campaign.campaign_budget, metrics.clicks, metrics.ctr, metrics.conversions,