Re: How to Generate userInterest Resource Name using Google Ads API bita version ?

2019-11-22 Thread Rakesh Chauhan
Yes , i was tried it CampaignCriterion.newBuilder() .setCampaign(StringValue.of(campaignResourceName)) .setUserInterest(UserInterestInfo.newBuilder().setUserInterestCategory(StringValue.of("customers/123456789/userInterests/92949")).build()) .build(); but in this i need UserInterest ResourceNa

Can't retrieve Campaign type local

2019-11-22 Thread 'Jessie Labadan' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi I'm Jessie and I'm working in 3QDigital Company. I would like to ask help regarding the Campaign Performance Report. We have an existing report that uses an SDK. I would like to know why I can't retrieve campaigns for type Local? It's also not available via API. Thanks! Kind Regards, Jess

Mobile App Category Constant Parent Categories (mobile_app_category_constant)

2019-11-22 Thread Riley
When querying the full list of mobile app category constants ( mobile_app_category_constant ), the only applicable attributes available are the id, name, and resource name. The response includes a number of dup

Re: How to list all accounts when multiple MCC accounts are under a single account.

2019-11-22 Thread Charles Bannister
Marc, Apologies for the delay and thanks for the info. I'm just getting back round to this now and it's a big help thank you. Charles On Monday, 1 April 2019 05:18:39 UTC-7, Marc Selman wrote: > > Hi Charles, > > I've built this functionality as wel. There's no way to retrieve all > informati

Re: Why are all my Offline Conversion imports being rejected with INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE?

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello John, Could you please share the complete request and response log using reply privately to the author option so that I can check further. Please include account id as well. Regards, Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UOD0pH:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

Re: API limits for TargetingIdeaService

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Thiru, We didn't receive your private message. Can you please provide them again? Thanks, Anthony Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UKOBqK:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

Re: How can I get client account id

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Jianan, The inviteeEmail and inviteeRole fields are accessible to whitelisted customers only. Could you please send us your customer Id via Reply Privately to Author option for us to check whether it has been whitelisted for this feature? Thanks and regards, Xiaoming, Google Ads API Team ref

RE: Migration from V201806 to V2019

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Sean, Thank you for writing to us. Please follow the steps in the upgrading file to migrate from the old ads PHP client library to the new one. If you have already followed this guide and still having trouble making the API request calls, could you please share the complete request and re

Re: Why are all my Offline Conversion imports being rejected with INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE?

2019-11-22 Thread John Marquard
Please could you read my question again? I am using the same name. "Contact Made v1" is the name of the conversion and the name when I submit new leads. Thanks, On Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 3:17:43 AM UTC+11, adsapiforumadvisor wrote: > > Hello John, > > The error specifies that you are u

RE: How to get Budget Range Selector

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Pradeep, Thank you for reaching out. There is no direct API equivalent to that slider. However, you can follow this guide for generating forecasting metrics for a proposed campaign based on a specific budget (or here if you are using Google Ads API). You can create a budget for a smart disp

Re: Permission Denied error received in Google Ads API, but not for AdWords API

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Paul, When we make an API request it is very important that we make sure there is a link between the manager account authenticated in the request and the client account specified in the headers. Also you have to make sure the OAuth2 credentials that are being used belong to the manager accou

RE: account report

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Polnyiem, The metrics fields that are available in the shared screenshot are all supported in the Account Performance Report. You may review the metrics column for more information. If you're looking for any specific column, could you please share more details? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads A

RE: Why are all my Offline Conversion imports being rejected with INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE?

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello John, The error specifies that you are using the wrong conversion name to upload your conversions. Since the conversion name is changed you have to use the new name. Please give it a try and let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U11

RE: Account Performance Report

2019-11-22 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Polnyiem, The metrics fields that are available in the shared screenshot are all supported in the Account Performance Report. You may review the metrics column for more information. If you're looking for any specific column, could you please share more details? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads A

Re: How can I get client account id

2019-11-22 Thread jianan wang
Hi I use these code to invite a customer, but it come's out the error below: [RequestError.UNKNOWN @ operations[0].inviteeEmail; trigger:''] How can I fix the error? $managedCustomerService = (new AdWordsServices())->get($session, ManagedCustomerService::class); // Cre

Re: Permission Denied error received in Google Ads API, but not for AdWords API

2019-11-22 Thread Paul Cooper
Hi Xiaoming, Sorry it wasn't clear but we are currently using both APIs simultaneously as we test and develop for the new API. The customers from MCC (let's say, ID 123-123-4567) using their account level oauth credentials receive 'USER PERMISSION DENIED' (works fine in the old AdWords API).

Re: Cannot Fetch the CustomerClient list from Customer ID using New API

2019-11-22 Thread Ronak Shah
Hi Pierrick, I can confirm that the other api services works with the test account, but the customer_client service doesn't work with Test Accounts. I hope this issue gets fix asap. Thanks, Ronak On Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 4:35:37 AM UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor wrote: > > Hi Ronak, >

TrafficEstimatorService does not match data with UI

2019-11-22 Thread Pradeep Datla
Hi, I am trying to get Potential Audience Size using Google Adwords Api, but the data does not match for the same campaignid when compared UI to api result. I added my code snippet and the UI screenshot. i am getting "impressionsperday" property from api. when i calculate it for 30 days the num