Getting "Missing report definition" while i'm calling Google AdWords API

2019-09-13 Thread Ting Lan
Hi there, I got the error in the oauth playground while i'm trying to pull report from Google Ads , see the details below, anyone could help? POST /api/adwords/reportdownload/v201809 HTTP/1.1 Host: Clientcustomerid: Developertoken: xxx Content-type: applicat

Adwords Api Errors: OperationAccessDenied.MUTATE_ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CLIENT

2019-09-13 Thread Alex
Hi All, I am getting following errors when try to pause an expanded text ad in a campaign (Search Campaign). Error: OperationAccessDenied.MUTATE_ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CLIENT at operations[1] Service: AdGroupAdService Operation: AdGroupAd adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd { status = AdGroupAd

How to get keywords top of page bid through API

2019-09-13 Thread Иван Красуля
Hi everybody! I use TargetingIdeaService to get targetingIdeaPage for my keywords and locations. When I use the Google keyword planner tool for similar purposes, I can see the Top of page bid columns. Can I get the same values using the AdWords API? Also, in the "Google keyword planner" when I

RE: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND wile tring to add account budget

2019-09-13 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Jia, Thank you for reaching out. Could you please make sure if you are providing a valid billing set up id while adding account budget proposal? The billing setup is associated with a payments account and the resource name for the billing set up must be in below format. customers/{customer_i

RE: NO_SIGNUP_PERMISSION when creating new billing setups?

2019-09-13 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Min, Billing setups can only be created by customers who have permission to setup billings. For this you have to reach-out to the Technical Account Manager that assists your concerns at Google. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Sai Teja, GOogle ref:_00D1U1174

Re: Operator >= with metrics.conversions

2019-09-13 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Chirag, You will be able to achieve this by combining the conditions using AND. Sample report query is below: query: "SELECT ad_group_ad_asset_view.performance_label,, campaign.advertising_channel_sub_type FROM ad_group_ad_asset_view WHERE metrics.conversions > 0 AND metrics.con

Re: Not found field mapping of CreativeFinalUrlSuffix in Ad Performance Report mapping to Google Ads API report

2019-09-13 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi, I'm afraid, currently we will not be able to share a definite timeline on when this feature is available. Please monitor our blog for more updates. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGYIk:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on o

NO_SIGNUP_PERMISSION when creating new billing setups?

2019-09-13 Thread min jia
I'm tring with account level biiling setup followed by google-ads-api Creating new billing setups . As It suggested To sign up with an *existing* Payments account, set the payments_account to the resource ID of a valid P