Re: Add support for shared labels

2018-07-10 Thread 'Dannison Yao (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Charles, You are correct. Currently, Labels are not supported in shared sets. However, since this is also not supported in the UI, I would suggest you open this concern to the Advertiser's Community Forum as th

Re: v201806/AdService mutate SET trackingUrlTemplate yields AdError.INVALID_AD_TYPE

2018-07-10 Thread 'Peter Oliquino (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Chris, Could you confirm if the Id that you are passing indeed belongs to a TextAd object? So I can further investigate, c

Re: Pausing Ad Groups in an Array

2018-07-10 Thread 'Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Sean, You don't need a selector if your goal is just to pause the ad group. All you need to do is to create a loop for your array and set directly each ad group id and ad group status

v201806/AdService mutate SET trackingUrlTemplate yields AdError.INVALID_AD_TYPE

2018-07-10 Thread Chris
Converting several of our tracking templates to use https but not having any luck with the new AdService.mutate(). POST /api/adwords/cm/v201806/AdService";> SET REDACTED https://REDACTED

Re: Are labels supported for negatives?

2018-07-10 Thread 'Dannison Yao (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Markus, My apologies for the confusion. Adding labels via AdWords API is also not possible. The screenshots were just to support my point that labels in general are not supported by negatives, since the API only mirrors the general functionalities of the UI. Let me know if you have further

Abount Conversions between KeywordPerformanceReport API and AdWords Console.

2018-07-10 Thread T.Motodate
We want to get the Conversions and CostPerConversion by a certain ConversionTypeName. We could get them using by KeywordPerformantReport with the segment ConversionTypeName. However, there's a difference between the sum of Conversions using by above way and Conversions on the AdWords Console

Re: KeywordsPerformanceReport Quality Score Device Segmentation

2018-07-10 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Gaurav, QualityScore is an attribute in KeywordsPerformanceReport is ava

Re: TargetingSetting at the campaign level

2018-07-10 Thread 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Christopher, Could you please try code below: $details []= null; $targetingSetting = new TargetingSetting(); $detail = new TargetingSettingDetail(); $detail->setCriterionTypeGroup = 'USER_INTEREST_AND_LIST'; $detail->setTargetAll = true; $details [] = $detail; $targetingSetting->setDetails(

Re: Account access management in API (grant other user access to my account)

2018-07-10 Thread GDZ
Hello, am I getting this right and you can only invite user to manage account when account is in "process of creation", i.e. ADD? Not when managed customer account is already created some time ago under our MCC and you just need other person to have access? Thank you. On Wednesday, June 27,

Re: adding labels to ad bulk upload

2018-07-10 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Richard, I understand you have some concerns related to AdWords scripts. On this forum, we will discuss concerns related to AdWords API only. I would recommend you to post your question on the AdWords scripts forum . Regards, Sai

Add support for shared labels

2018-07-10 Thread charles
This is a feature request(not sure if it's the right place). I just realized it wasn't possible to use labels created in a MCC on objects from child accounts(e.g. campaigns). I feel that being able to build a library of shared labels, just like shared sets, could be valuable. In our particul

Re: Retrieval of Conversion Code on Page Load

2018-07-10 Thread 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Krishna, >From the UI, Global site tag and Event snippet is matching with the API googleEventSnippet and googleGlobalSiteTag values. Please find the attached the UI screen shot. I ran the ConversionTrackerService.get in my test account and get the values below: 1. googleEventSnippet: