UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR when calling AdGroupCriterionService

2017-10-31 Thread Caihua Du
Hi there, We monitored that AdGroupCriterionService will throw "UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR" lately across different customers. Is that any known issue from AdWords side? Thanks! Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib.AdWordsApiException: AdWordsApiException: One or more AdWords API errors have occurr

Re: Product Partition Tree Size and Limit

2017-10-31 Thread venkata munnangi
After self-testing and research. 1. Yes the limit is 20,000 per ad-group. It throws an ApiException after you try to add more. 2. No straightforward. If it is a single depth you can do a getChildren. But, if the depth is more than 1, then you have to traverse ProductPartitionTree. On Tuesday,

Product Partition Tree Size and Limit

2017-10-31 Thread venkata munnangi
Hello, I have been using this code as a template for creating a product partition tree for a given ad-group. Context: I have a list of *offerIds* that I use to essentially remove ProductPartitions with that sp

Tracking templates URL redirect

2017-10-31 Thread kizitho003 via AdWords API Forum
I would like to consult, how to write a third-party URL tracking template My final url is www.example.com, but the tracking URL is www.track.com And then from www.track.com, how to write code,then it will point to www.example.com just like redirect or not ? here is my code ,it can redirect to www.

Re: How do I distinguish between "search and featured display networks" and "search network only" campaigns, which field is used to determine?

2017-10-31 Thread 'Tim Tsai' via AdWords API Forum
I see, thanks Vincent. On Tuesday, 31 October 2017 00:09:12 UTC-4, Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Tim, > > The documentation for targetContentNetwork > > state

Re: adding dynamic value to conversion pixel

2017-10-31 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, It looks like you're using conversion tracking feature on your website, which is out of scope for my team. I'd suggest that you take a look at this article which might help you with the tracking value you're l

Re: CampaignCriterionService get LocationName (language german)

2017-10-31 Thread 'Jude Amagoh' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, Use the Campaign Location Target Report , it summarizes the performance of campaigns by location-based CampaignCriterion

Re: Keywords in different languages have the same search volume in one region

2017-10-31 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, Could you enable logging and provide us the SOAP request and response logs for the request in both the regions, so we can take a look and assist you further? You can respond via *Reply privately to author* option while replying. Regards, Bharani, AdWords API Team On Tuesday, October 31,

Re: Adwords Api - No ads were found.

2017-10-31 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Numan, Could you enable logging and provide us the complete SOAP logs along with the clientCustomerId so we can take a look and assist you further? You can use the *Reply privately to author* option while responding. Thanks, Bharani, AdWords API Team On Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 10:00:2

Re: (URGENT!) Total : AdGroups Costs

2017-10-31 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, You can set the skipReportSummary request header to false to include the summary row in the downloaded responses which will contain the totals of the metrics requested. Regards, Shwetha, AdWords API Team.

Re: Critical : Adwords API and Adwords Data Mismacted

2017-10-31 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Ankur, Could you provide the report definition used to download reports using AdWords API along with your clientCustomerId? Please note that when you compare AdWords API reports with UI reports, you need to ensure that you have selected the same fields, filters and dateRange. Please use *Rep

Search volume of keywords in different languages in one region is the same

2017-10-31 Thread Юлия Федотова
Hi, I use API Adwords to get volume of keywords and it's shown as 590. The keywords are установка кондиціонерів (in Ukranian) установка кондиционеров (in Russian) The region is Ukraine. Is there a mistake? Because keywords in different languages are unlikely to have the same search volume in i

adding dynamic value to conversion pixel

2017-10-31 Thread noam . s
Hello, We are trying to add a dynamic value for conversion tracking. Our website is built in python, and the parameter our system captures for conversion value/amount looks something like this: @amountinUSD It's not capturing the value - does anyone have advice on how we can get th

Critical : Adwords API and Adwords Data Mismacted

2017-10-31 Thread ankur . shishodia
Hi Team, We have some data mis-macted with Google Adwords data when we are using this API. We have fetched the data for date 2017-10-03 for a account and validating it with Google Adwords Account data. We found that some campiagn clicks are not matching. For Example below campaign data fr

Adwords Api - No ads were found.

2017-10-31 Thread Numan Hasbek
Hello there, We are using adwords api to pause or enable campaigns. Nowadays something weird is happened. We can't get ads which are created new. We can get older Ads but whenever we tried to get new ads; we get "No ads were found" or when we make query like; "SELECT Id where Id='2298310713

Keywords in different languages have the same search volume in one region

2017-10-31 Thread ms . yuliya . fedotova
Hi, I use API Adwords to get volume of keywords and it's shown as 590. The keywords are установка кондиціонерів (in Ukranian) установка кондиционеров (in Russian) The region is Ukraine. Is there a mistake? Because keywords in different languages are unlikely to have the same search volume

Re: CampaignCriterionService get LocationName (language german)

2017-10-31 Thread Dominik Raffetseder
Okay, thanks. Another question: is it possible to geht out the average CPC Bid and the average position for each region? Best regards, Dominik Am Montag, 30. Oktober 2017 11:28:33 UTC+1 schrieb Peter Oliquino: > > Hi Dominik, > > LocationNames >

Re: "--" for crossDeviceConversions since yesterday

2017-10-31 Thread 'Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, I'm going to get in contact with some of the people responsible for the decision to try to make sure that we improve the rollout plan for changes like this in the future. I sincerely apologize for this change with no notice, I was surprised by it as well. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team