Dynamically Generating AdWords Dashboard URLs

2017-09-14 Thread Austin Smith
Hi, I'm trying to add a feature that navigates customers to a specific campaign group in the adwords dashboard. For this reason I'm looking to construct a URL like: https://adwords.google.com/cm/CampaignMgmt?authuser=0&__u={user_id}&__c={account_id}#cg.{campaign_group_id}.cgo But the account_

Frequently adjusting CampaignBidModifier based on location criterion

2017-09-14 Thread Tim Johnson
Hi I was hoping to get your expertise with a question I had: I am looking to continually change the bid modifier for a campaign in 1 specific location. So I can understand I'll use the CampaignBidModifierService object while passing through a criterion. My question is: Is there anyway to sim

Re: help me, adwords api not working

2017-09-14 Thread 'Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Samuel, Could you confirm if you are using the CustomerService.getCustomers() ? If so, then in order to retrieve all the client customers (with their clientCustomerIDs) associated to your OAuth2 c

Re: Rate limits and location search

2017-09-14 Thread 'Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Jens, The basic access level of a developer token can only execute up to 10,000 operations and 1,000 report downloads per day. If you believe that you will be exceeding these numbers on your end, then you need to apply for the standard access level as it provides you unlimited daily operatio

Re: CustomerService->getCustomers only returns one Customer Client

2017-09-14 Thread 'Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Elton, It seems that you specified your clientCustomerId in your request (you set this in the property file) for getCustomers() that's why only one client account information is being returned. I

Re: isExemptable does not become false

2017-09-14 Thread Hideichi Saito
Thank you for your reply. I am sorry that the explanation is insufficient. Yes, I understand that there are two policy violations. One policy violation is for the word bazooka. PolicyViolationError.isExemptable = true, this is as expected. One policy violation is for the !!. PolicyViolationError

CustomerService->getCustomers only returns one Customer Client

2017-09-14 Thread Elton Morais
Hi, I'm using the *Adwords API* to fetch all customer clients on a google account. Using the function *getCustomers()* on the *CustomerService* class it only returns one account. $adWordsServices = new AdWordsServices(); // Get the service, which loads the r

Rate limits and location search

2017-09-14 Thread Jens Theisen
Hello, with Basic Access, we have 10,000 requests per day, that's a bit more than one request every ten seconds. In order to implement a location search autocomplete field as Google itself has it in their campaign edit forms, one will have to do at least one request per second (multiple concur

help me, adwords api not working

2017-09-14 Thread samuel . pinto
Hi CustomerService not returning all customerIds help -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/ https://plus.google.com/+GoogleAdsDevelopers/posts =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ You r

Re: Display network placement performance with Country segmentation

2017-09-14 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, You can use Placement Performance Report to get statistics aggregated at the Placement level and Geo Performance Report

Re: Batch jobs stay in state processing for several hours and finally get cancelled

2017-09-14 Thread Christian
Hi Shwetha, > If the submitted operations encounter an error during execution, the results in the downloadUrl should contain the list of processingErrors

Re: Getting a second token with readonly access

2017-09-14 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, This feature is currently not supported by the AdWords API. However, I will share your feedback with the team. Please keep an eye on our blog

Re: AWQL Reporting slowdown?

2017-09-14 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, There isn't an ongoing that should be affecting report download latency via AdWords API. Could you provide the report definitions and the clientCustomerId where you observe the report download latency has increased? Could you also provide an approximate time when you started seeing this i

Display network placement performance with Country segmentation

2017-09-14 Thread PPC Developer
Hi All, We've been running display network ads targeting multiple countries. It seems that the adwords.com UI doesn't allow us to create a report with Country and Placement at the same time. For instance, I'd like to see foo.com's conversion and cost data in the UK and USA separately. Then I l

Re: isExemptable does not become false

2017-09-14 Thread 'Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Greetings! I think I may have found why this isn't working as expected. In the error, it is saying that the violation is the *!!* in the ad text. When the exemption request is sent, it does not mention the '!!'. It mentions the word *bazooka, *but there is no exemption being passed in for the *

Re: Batch jobs stay in state processing for several hours and finally get cancelled

2017-09-14 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Christian, BatchJobService automatically retries operations that fail due to transient errors such as RateExceededError . If the submitted operations encounter an error during execution, the resu

Re: AWQL Reporting slowdown?

2017-09-14 Thread Tomas R
Hi, I am seeing it as well. Can you tell us if there is an actual issue on your end? On Monday, September 11, 2017 at 8:35:56 PM UTC+2, Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi, > > Could you provide the report definitions and the clientCustomerId for > which you observed reduced throu

Batch jobs stay in state processing for several hours and finally get cancelled

2017-09-14 Thread Christian
For one of our AdWords account we have around 800,000 CPC change operations per day. We usually submit batch jobs with 25.000 operations per job. Most of these jobs stay in state processing for several hours and then eventually are reported to be cancelled. In few cases at least some operations

Re: Problem with creating Remarketing lists

2017-09-14 Thread Jakub Senovsky
Hi Peter, thank you for reply. I create userLists separately. Yes, this combination of user lists had been working for several months until this morning. I can send you privately adwords customer IDs for which we created this combination of user lists without error. Best regards, Jakub O

Re: Problem with creating Remarketing lists

2017-09-14 Thread 'Peter Oliquino' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Jakub, The error you are encountering is by definition a default generic error and we may need to investigate further in order to identify the exact cause. However, looking at your SOAP

Re: Getting a second token with readonly access

2017-09-14 Thread dima
Ok, I see. Maybe you are going to add this scope? The lack of it really impacts reporting tools, it's much harder to convince customers to grant managing permissions rather than read-only permissions, they feel much less secure. Thanks On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 10:41:54 PM UTC+3, Bha

Re: Keywords Data Not Matching with "Total - all account"

2017-09-14 Thread 'Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Han, Since your concern (keywords data do not match with "Total- all account" both in AdWords Scripts and AdWords UI) is more on the AdWords product level, then I suggest you to please post this in the AdWords Community Forum

Re: isExemptable does not become false

2017-09-14 Thread Hideichi Saito
Thank you for your reply. https://github.com/googleads/googleads-php-lib/blob/master/examples/AdWords/v201705/ErrorHandling/HandlePolicyViolationError.php This sample is the first mutate, and if PolicyViolationError.isExemptable = true, ExemptionRequest is possible. Although I understand that it

Re: Report definition not recognized when making SOAP request

2017-09-14 Thread JohnA_a
Hi Vincent, I have sent you the private reply with the details requested. Thanks On Wednesday, 13 September 2017 08:18:38 UTC+3, Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi, > > Thanks for this information. > > Since you are not using our client libraries, please make sure that you > follo

Re: isExemptable does not become false

2017-09-14 Thread 'Peter Oliquino' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Hideichi, Please correct my understanding if I am wrong. Could you confirm if my understanding is correct that you initially sent a request to create ads that you expect to be *isExemptable = false* but got an *isExemptable = true* response instead? If my understanding is indeed correct, the

Problem with creating Remarketing lists

2017-09-14 Thread Jakub Senovsky
Hi, since morning we are facing issue with creating remarketing user lists. SOAP Request: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/rm/v2