In my google adwords ads I want to append users location city when user
click on my ads from google it should append users current location in ads
Is this possible via adwords??
could you please help me to get users location append in url when user
click on ads and it lands on my sit
we also started to see strange error responses in the BatchJobService. We
use the googleads Python library. Here is an example error:
u'errorString': u'EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID',
u'fieldPath': u'operations[18342].operand.criterion',
u'reason': u'INVALID_ID',
u'trigger': u'No exist
Thank you very much for the information and the links!
Can the two operations (removal and setting as unit) be performed by the
same batch or should they be chained to each other?
On Friday, May 12, 2017 at 9:58:42 PM UTC+2, Sreelakshmi Sasidharan
(AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Hi,