Re: Getting an error while running Getcampaigns on local machine

2014-12-29 Thread Kiran Kumar
I have changed my version to v201406,though I am getting an error Error: Warning: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 187 SoapFaul

Re: Importing client information into campaign settings:

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, Please read our guide on ad scheduling , which should help explain how to do what you're asking. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Monday, December 29, 2014 10:30:18 AM UTC-5, Александр Бунке wrote: > > Hello! > > Wha

Re: IMAP, Email Campaign Reports

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, We don't support automatically scraping the AdWords user interface for information. You can run reports using the AdWords API directly. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Monday, December 29, 2014 10:31:29 AM UTC-5, cycl

Re: How to get empty Adgroups via API?

2014-12-29 Thread Александр Бунке
Thanks! And what difference will be in zero impression rows for empty AdGroups and AdGroups with bad keywords, that don’t searched by people? Пʼятниця, 26 грудня 2014 р. 14:44:58 UTC+2 користувач Danial Klimkin написав: > > Hello Alexander, > > > You can use AD_GROUP_PERFORMANCE_REPORT: > > h

Re: IMAP, Email Campaign Reports

2014-12-29 Thread cyclobster
This isn't a Gmail API question, What he's asking is whether he can access the report by scraping and what sort of authentication he should use. On Friday, March 14, 2014 9:57:41 AM UTC-

Re: Importing client information into campaign settings:

2014-12-29 Thread Александр Бунке
Hello! What entity should be used while creating campaign to set up schedule of TextAd shows (hours, days of week)? Середа, 31 жовтня 2012 р. 07:57:43 UTC+2 користувач Anash P. Oommen написав: > > Hi Delisa, > > That's a very broad question, so if you can ask specifics, I can help you > out. Bu

Re: Uploading HTML5 ads (TemplateId 419)

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, Ads with this TemplateId are not currently supported via the AdWords API. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Sunday, December 28, 2014 5:51:33 AM UTC-5, Gavin Rifkind wrote: > > Hi > I have a requirement to create HTML5 banner ads using the AdWords API. > When I create this type of ad man

Re: Perform Keyword Status Change in a Single SOAP Request

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, You cannot filter keywords and perform an action on them in the same request. You must use one request to find the keywords that you want to modify, and then a second request to mutate the desired keywords. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Friday, December 26, 2014 9:04:16 AM UTC-5, o

Re: Getting an error while running Getcampaigns on local machine

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, AdWords API v201209 is deprecated. Please try using a newer version of the AdWords API. Currently, v201406 and v201409 are supported. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Saturday, December 27, 2014 12:56:50 AM UTC-5, wrote: > > > [message:protected] => SOAP

Re: bulk upload html5 banners to GDN

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, The AdWords API does not support generic HTML5 ads for use in GDN currently. Please watch our blog for all new feature announcements. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Friday, December 26, 2014 9:58:42 AM UTC-5, Eyal Filiba wrote: > > Hey All,

Re: Issues with Authentication

2014-12-29 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello Ethan, I believe that the PHP examples have to be run from the command line. Please try running the basic example to get campaigns from the command line and see if that helps. If not, please send your unedited auth.ini file to me only by using the "reply to author" link. Regards, Mike, A

Re: Получение токена авторизации AdWords без клиентской библиотеки

2014-12-29 Thread sneustroev
У меня проблема такого характера: Я получил refresh_token под тестовым аккаутом, добавли его в центре клиентов, пытаюсь выполинть запрос к веб-сервису *TrafficEstimatorService *но в ответе смущает строка: CampaignService такое чувство что идет запрос к веб-сервису CampaignService, я прав? Обращ

Re: Getting report data on actually charged campaign costs

2014-12-29 Thread Danial Klimkin
Billing-related information is not available via the AdWords API. -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Saturday, December 27, 2014 8:10:01 AM UTC+3, Nikita Mendelbaum wrote: > > Which report type can fetch the billing information? It seems like all the > reports are only receiving costs that google s

bulk upload html5 banners to GDN

2014-12-29 Thread Eyal Filiba
Hey All, I need to upload a bulk of HTML5 display ads to GDN. I tried to do it with Adwords editor. However, I don't see in the wizard an option to add a new display ad the option to select a zip file. how can I bulk upload html banners to GDN via the API ? Thanks, Eyal -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=

Issues with Authentication

2014-12-29 Thread Ethan Lyon
Hi There, Not entirely sure why, but whenever I load a script from the php library, it returns nothing. I'm thinking it's an issue with authentication. Here are the steps I followed: 1. Uploaded to a folder on my domain (e.g. http://dev.exa

Re: Getting report data on actually charged campaign costs

2014-12-29 Thread Nikita Mendelbaum
Which report type can fetch the billing information? It seems like all the reports are only receiving costs that google spent, but not that google charged user. пятница, 26 декабря 2014 г., 16:21:20 UTC+6 пользователь Danial Klimkin написал: > > Hello Nikita, > > > You need to use the reporting

Getting an error while running Getcampaigns on local machine

2014-12-29 Thread shobhan
[message:protected] => SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https:/ /' : faile d to load external entity " 1209/CampaignService?wsdl" -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

Authenticating Issues in PHP

2014-12-29 Thread Ethan Lyon
Hi There, I'm having an issue authenticating the Adwords API on my webserver. I've been at it for hours, troubleshooting with Google and youtube tutorials and thought I would ask for some help. 1. I uploaded the files here: to a folder on m

Re: Получение токена авторизации AdWords без клиентской библиотеки

2014-12-29 Thread sneustroev
Спасибо большое за помощь! понедельник, 29 декабря 2014 г., 14:32:44 UTC+2 пользователь Danial Klimkin написал: > > Да, с самого начала, с verification code. > > Refresh token действует неограничено, но его можно отозвать в настройках. > > > -Даниил. > > > On Friday, December 26, 2014 5:00:16 PM

Re: ReportDownloadError.INVALID_PARAMETER, Trigger: Missing client information, FieldPath:

2014-12-29 Thread Danial Klimkin
Да, необходимо сделать раздельный запросы к каждому из под-аккаунтов и объеденить результаты на вашей стороне. Активный CID можно поменять во время выполнения, без изменения app.config. Как именно, смотрите в документации на библиотеку (зависит от языка). -Даниил. On Friday, December 26, 201

Perform Keyword Status Change in a Single SOAP Request

2014-12-29 Thread osucu
Hi all, I want to perform a task which changes keyword status to PAUSED whose name is equal to the given text, in all current active campaigns in a single soap request. Thanks. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdevelop

Re: Получение токена авторизации AdWords без клиентской библиотеки

2014-12-29 Thread Danial Klimkin
Да, с самого начала, с verification code. Refresh token действует неограничено, но его можно отозвать в настройках. -Даниил. On Friday, December 26, 2014 5:00:16 PM UTC+3, wrote: > > Спасибо! попробую! > Нужно мне проделать все заново и получить новый refresh_token? > Кстати