Questions about Shared Bidding implementation

2014-06-05 Thread Hudar
Hi, We have some questions about shared bidding. May we got some feedback for the following : - If we created a bidding strategy using BiddingStrategyService, would the bidding strategy be usable for both adgroup and campaign? - Could we create 1 shared bidding, then assign it to Campaign A,

Re: api for getting info using gclid

2014-06-05 Thread 254609078
Hi Josh, Thanks a million. I really appreciate it.I will try it On Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:25:22 PM UTC+8, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi, > > Ad ID is only unique by AdGroup (see our Working with Objects Guide >

Need an Adwords API developer. Interested?

2014-06-05 Thread Ricardo Buitrago
Hello, I'm looking for an Adwords API developer that can work with Python. Interested? Please let me know. Thank you. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+:

Re: OfflineConversionError.INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE but the conversion name is there

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Gerard, I did some digging and discovered that in order for you to upload an offline conversion to a conversion type defined in your MCC, the MCC had to have been set as the conversion account *as of the time of the click*. In your particular case, I believe you changed the conversion accoun

Re: unauthorized 401 error

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, The *clientCustomerId* is usually set to one of your child AdWords accounts unless you are using the ManagedCustomerService . Could you send the following *only to me* by clicking *Reply to Author*?

Re: Can't add specific Site Category Options via API

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Ro, You are correct - those categories are not available at this time in the API. I'll update this thread if and when they are added to the WSDLs. Thanks, Josh, AdWords API Team On Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:37:20 AM UTC-4, Ro wrote: > > Hey, > > We upgraded to the latest API version V201402

Re: Updating a product group unit to be excluded

2014-06-05 Thread HK
Thanks, Josh. Appreciate the reply. I was secretly hoping there'd be a simpler way as I'm not really changing the tree structure, just disabling a unit from being biddable. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper.b


2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, I wasn't able to replicate that behavior. Is there any chance that you have multiple processes writing to the same output file, so even though one process writes an AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, another process subsequently overwrites that output with the results of a CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT?

Re: Updating a product group unit to be excluded

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Hans, As you suggested, the way to do this is to replace the BiddableAdGroupCriterion with a NegativeAdGroupCriterion on the same partition. Whenever you want to change the partition tree you must resubmit the entire tree

Re: Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Whenever you want to modify any of the nodes of your ProductPartition tree you must send the *entire tree* in your AdGroupCriterionService.mutate

Re: Campaign and AdGroup Unique Names

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi David, For Feeds, AdGroups, and Campaigns the duplicate name check is limited to ACTIVE/ENABLED and PAUSED objects. The comparison is case-sensitive for AdGroups and Campaigns, and case-insensitive for Feeds. For AdGroups, the uniqueness check is limited to other AdGroups in the same Campaig

Re: [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'']

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, I just posted an answer to a similar question here: My post includes a link to a form you can fill out to get in touch with the API Review team, who can help you if your billing or terms & conditions setup is incomplete.

Re: Differences google-api-php-client and google ads-php-lib

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Benjamin, For the AdWords API please use googleads-php-lib -- all of our client libraries are under googleads on github. The docs for that library are a good place to start. - Getting Started (README)

Re: Signing up Adwords API Terms and conditions Issue

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, If you're unable to fill in billing information and accept the terms & conditions then you can contact the API Review Team using this form . Note that you only need to do this on the *non-test* MCC where you have your pending developer toke

Re: api for getting info using gclid

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Ad ID is only unique by AdGroup (see our Working with Objects Guide for uniqueness rules). If you have captured the click ID (GCLID) then you could use the Click Performance Report

Re: server response with Connection reset

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Connection reset errors can be caused by a variety of issues. Without tracing the connections with a tool (e.g., WireShark) it's difficult to know where in the network path this is occurring. In general, it's best to design your application to tolerate transient issues like this. Please re

Re: OfflineConversionError.INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE but the conversion name is there

2014-06-05 Thread mobster
Done! On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:29:49 PM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Gerard, > > Could you send the following *only to me* by clicking *Reply to Author* on > this message? > > 1. The customer ID of the AdWords account > 2. The customer ID of the MCC account or AdWor

Can't add specific Site Category Options via API

2014-06-05 Thread Ro
Hey, We upgraded to the latest API version V201402 (C# client library), and it seems like we can't add specific items via the API: Video rated G Video rated PG Video rated T Video rated MA Video not yet rated Live streaming video GMob mobile app non-interstitial All the rest works fine, the on

Re: API Rate Limit (RateExceededError): Is it Developer token based or MCC Account Based?

2014-06-05 Thread Sudi Gopinath
Good Morning Josh, Thanks for answering all my questions. I will work on getting our developer token upgraded to standard. that might alleviate some of our problems. I will also try your recommended method to get the accounts/campaigns list. Thanks, Sudi On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 4:07:27 PM

Re: Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-06-05 Thread aroxotest18
Hi, sure, if need , i will delete the other post now, can you help me out on this? Thanks -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

Re: Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, This looks like a near-duplicate of your other post from today . Please follow that post so we don't duplicate information. Thanks, Josh, AdWords API Team On Thursday, June 5, 2014 4:01:19 AM UTC-4, wr

Re: FeedItemService: Try to add a new feed item causes [EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID @ operations[0].operand.feedId]

2014-06-05 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Alex, I looked up your request and noticed that you are not setting the *clientCustomerId* in your SOAP header. As a result, the API will attempt to back into the effective account from your credentials. If you are using credentials from an MCC account then the feed with that ID will not exi

[QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'']

2014-06-05 Thread Rodrigo Lopez Guerra
Hi , I already have my production account . Put my billing information and accept the terms . Have my test account. Have my developer token pending for approval. Used that token to make calls against TEST account . And still getting this error. I already called Google adwords twice and they co

FeedItemService: Try to add a new feed item causes [EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID @ operations[0].operand.feedId]

2014-06-05 Thread Alex Schäfer
Hi group, when I try to add a new FeedItem with FeedItemService I get the error that my feedId is invalid. We have only one feed in the system and the id is correct. (FeedService or AdGroupFeedService returns this id). Updating FeedItems works perfect. Hope you can help me :) Request:

Differences google-api-php-client and google ads-php-lib

2014-06-05 Thread testapi
Hello to all, I'm new in the API Adwords and I'm trying to implement a script to get a report. I have many doubts, I can't run the examples in the libraries y gitHub. I have a big question (for me it's a big question), what's the difference between *google-api-php-client* and *google ads-php-l

Impossible to add billing

2014-06-05 Thread Rodrigo Lopez Guerra
Hi , I created my MCC account , but is not possible to add the billing information , i always get an error that says that is not possible to process my request right now. I tried for two days multiple times. Also called to Adwords , and they said to me that billing information should be linke


2014-06-05 Thread tamas . hais . api
I've recently updated the python client library, made the changes according to the migration docs, but since that, when I'm requesting this: 'SELECT CampaignName, AdGroupName, ' 'Headline, Description1, Description2, DisplayUrl, Url, ' 'Impressions, Clicks, ' 'Ctr, AverageCpc, Cost, AveragePositi

Signing up Adwords API Terms and conditions Issue

2014-06-05 Thread MCC Test
Hello All, I have created one test mcc account and I also have one pending developer token.I am developing the test version of the application.I have also signed up the adwords api terms and conditions, so that means I should be able to make calls using this pending token against test mcc accou

Campaign and AdGroup Unique Names

2014-06-05 Thread DavM
Hi At the API Workshop there was a slide about unique names for Campaigns, AdGroups and Feeds. I just want to clarify how unique. The slide in question is here: (slide 20) Yesterday I discovered two adgroups in the same campaign having the same n

Re: unauthorized 401 error

2014-06-05 Thread Bezecom Voip
Hi Josh, All of my details seem to be correct, i've repeated the process many times and i still receive the same error. I'm using "Installed application" type when i create the Client ID and not a web application. I am indeed using the OAuth library examples code and not my own code. BT

Re: api for getting info using gclid

2014-06-05 Thread 254609078
Hi Ewan, How to get the adgroup Id and campaign Id by ad Id.which api can get the imformation. Thank you! On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:18:44 PM UTC+8, Ewan Heming wrote: > > Hi Vijayraj, > > I haven't used it for a while, but I'm reasonably confident that it's the > keyword from your accoun

Re: Keyword report

2014-06-05 Thread Zweitze
Generate a report over the broadest date range, and include the field 'date'. Process the results, use the date field to determine whether the record should be included. On Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:26:44 AM UTC+2, M.S. krishna deepak wrote: > > Hey, > > I want to generate a keyword perf

Re: Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-06-05 Thread aroxotest18
> > Hi, > i am facing next level issue, i have created Adgroup -> Product Partition & Negative Keywords Now, instead of delete Adgroup , i have to update Adgroup with New set of produdcts and Neg Keywords 1. Delete Exist Product Partition & neg Keywords - how to do it ? 2. Update Exist Prod

Shopping Campaign

2014-06-05 Thread aroxotest18
Hi, How to delete product partition ,Negative Keywords from Adgroup @ shopping campaign Thanks -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: =~=~=~=~=~

Keyword report

2014-06-05 Thread M.S. krishna deepak
Hey, I want to generate a keyword performance report, but I want to get data corresponding to keywords within a specific range of dates which is different for each keyword. Is there a way by which I could do this with a single report for all keywords in an adgroup? I tried to