Programatically getting available fields for AWQL to service calls (and reports too I suppose)

2014-05-15 Thread Ian Knox
I'm in the process of writing a simplified wrapper for the Adwords API client lib and it would be really helpful if there was some way to get a list of AWQL fields for service calls other than copy/pasting them from this website:

Re: Using TargetingIdeaService to return the data for the actual search term provided.

2014-05-15 Thread Jeremy Tremblay
Forget it, I got it. I need a separate call to TargetingIdeaServiceInterface.get with selector.setRequestType(RequestType.STATS); instead of IDEAS and Paging paging = new Paging(); paging.setStartIndex(0); paging.setNumberResults(1); selector.setPaging(paging); Thanks for your help aga


2014-05-15 Thread Jeremy Aube
I tried reducing the size of the request, but I'm still getting the same error. Here's the report definition I just tried: CampaignId Clicks ClickType IN SITELINKS IsSelfAction IN true Status IN ACTIVE

Re: OAuth2 Campaign update issue (c#)

2014-05-15 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Abhijit, You need to use OAuth2 as authentication mechanism instead of authToken. AdWords API no longer supports ClientLogin as of v201402. From your code snippet, it doesn't look like you are using the AdWords API client library, so you need to use a third party library like http://dotnetop

Re: Zero Impressions but non-zero clicks in SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Thanks - I just came across the following post related to the same question: I think that explains the results you're seeing (which I just confirmed also match the results in the AdWords UI). Cheers, Josh, AdWords API Team On


2014-05-15 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Boric, You don't need to specify the date clause for this report. That said, let me check once with the team whether date columns were intentionally excluded from this report type. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Tuesday, May 13, 2014 3:00:40 AM UTC-4, Boris Savic wrote: >


2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, >From our Reporting Basics >guide : The report download request will time out after ten minutes of idle time > (no data transmitted) or one hour total elapsed time. There is no > explicit data size limit; however, due to a va

Re: Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, I just ran a few quick tests and found that you *can* remove the default product partition created when you create the ad group through the UI. Simply issue an AdGroupCriterionService.mutate an

Re: Using TargetingIdeaService to return the data for the actual search term provided.

2014-05-15 Thread Jeremy Tremblay
Which brings me back to my original question: How do I get the data for the Search Term?? If you look at the screenshot I provided, there is data in the "Search terms" section. How do I use the API to get that data? The Keyword Tool provides data in that section no matter what Search Term I use

Re: Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, When you created the campaign, did you create it through the AdWords user interface or by running our AddShoppingCampaign example?

Re: Keywords and Ads Added to the Account with CustomerSyncService

2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Ben, The typical use case for the *CustomerSyncService *is an application that stores a local copy of a subset of information from the account, and the application uses the service to determine which objects have changed since it last checked. Depending on the type of changed/deleted object,

Re: Modifying CPC bid accross multiple ads by a common factor

2014-05-15 Thread Dominic
Hi Anash, Hours do determine how many operators are working, but not how many are available, as the time of day doesn't predict when operators will be handling a call and when they'll be available. I really need fine grained control, perhaps even on a minute by minute basis. What I really need


2014-05-15 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Jeremy, ERROR_GETTING_RESPONSE_FROM_BACKEND usually happens when the amount of data being requested is very large, and there is a timeout between the API server and stats server. Try reducing the size of the report by removing some columns, or restricting the report to a shorter date range /

Re: Modifying CPC bid accross multiple ads by a common factor

2014-05-15 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Dominic, If work hours is something that decides how many operators your client has at a given point, then you could consider using AdSchedules instead. You can set bid modifiers on them, at campaign level. See


2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Jeremy, Could you provide the complete report request after removing any sensitive information? I just successfully ran the PLACEHOLDER_FEED_ITEM_REPORT with the fields mentioned below. I'd like to see which fields and predicates you are using -- it may be that you found certain combinations


2014-05-15 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Luca, Your approach of batching keyword operations by adgroups is fine, but you can also try staggering the batches such that successive API calls don't go to a single adgroup. That should reduce the frequency of CONCURRENT MODIFICATION errors. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor.

Keywords and Ads Added to the Account with CustomerSyncService

2014-05-15 Thread Ben Pate
Hi, I am trying to use the CustomerSyncService to find the number of keywords or ads that have been added to an account. For the newly added keywords I also want to know the match type. It doesn't seem like this is possible with the CustomerSyncService because I can only see that as Ad Group fi

Re: Adding campaigns and kws multiple times

2014-05-15 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Luca, The keyword will be added only once. I'm not sure why such a difference exists in this behaviour, I guess AdWords throws error on duplicate campaign name because it enforces that condition, whereas you could add a keyword, delete it, add it back again and so on, so throwing an error fo


2014-05-15 Thread 柴崎友哉
I got 'SizeLimitError.RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' when downloading a performance report. Please tell me the standard value of this 'SIZE_LIMIT'. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://plus.g

Re: campaign conversion count greater than summed adgroup conversion count?

2014-05-15 Thread Omar El-Domeiri
The campaign I'm looking at is set to Search Network Only. On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 1:28:06 PM UTC-5, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi, > > Are any of the campaigns involved *Search & Display Networks*, *Search > Network with Display Select*, or *Display Network Only* campaigns,

Issues with adding production partition in shopping campaign with API

2014-05-15 Thread Peijun Xu
We'are implementing the code to call the adwords api for shopping campaign. We want to use the feature for product partition under the adgroup criterion service. I created the campaign with shopping type and created the adgroup under the campaign. And then, I tried to run the example code in

Re: AdWords API Re: Upgrading from V6 to V9

2014-05-15 Thread Jack Kidder
Michael this is your brother Jack, could you give me a call or text 352-444-4111 On Monday, April 16, 2007 12:01:35 PM UTC-4, Michael Waites wrote: > > Do a search for wsdl.exe. You will find that post I told you about and > in there Cali laid out a pretty descriptive version on using the > WSDL.

Re: PHP Client Library: An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'']

2014-05-15 Thread edmund
I am also getting the same type of error as the OP, and I have followed the exact same steps. I have also tried troubleshooting via error guide. Could you please take a look, Ray? Production MCC ID: 307-898-0570 Test MCC ID: 203-909-5769 AdWords account inside Test MCC: 279-058-2489 On Thursda

Re: Downloading reports concurrently returns corrupted report data. Please advise.

2014-05-15 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Oliver, Thanks for the update. Glad you found the source of the issue. Cheers, Josh, AdWords API Team On Thursday, May 15, 2014 4:46:07 AM UTC-4, Oliver wrote: > > This turned out to be a thread safety issue in one of the Java classes we > use (NumberFormat) to parse the reports. Apologies

Re: Changing the OAuth2 client secret

2014-05-15 Thread Rob
Thanks Ray, I've posted a question there... Rob. On Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:59:04 UTC+1, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Rob, > > I've noted this down. However, I'm only able to help resolving AdWords > API iss

Re: Changing the OAuth2 client secret

2014-05-15 Thread Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)
Rob, I've noted this down. However, I'm only able to help resolving AdWords API issues. This is more related to the accounts and authentications in general. Could I trouble you to reach out via Google Accounts API related forums

Re: Using TargetingIdeaService to return the data for the actual search term provided.

2014-05-15 Thread Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)
Jeremy, The returned result are not expected to return the same "search terms", but rather, keyword ideas. I.e., for a given term, the idea may not always be the same as the original term. Thanks, Ray On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 5:34:13 PM UTC+2, Jeremy Tremblay wrote: > > "It should be the s

Adding campaigns and kws multiple times

2014-05-15 Thread Luca Fiaschi
Hi, I would like a little clarification regarding adding an object (campaign, adgroup, kw ... ) multiple times: For example when I try to add a campaign with the same name 2 times I get an error (existing campaign). However this error does not occur when readding a kw with the same text. What


2014-05-15 Thread Luca Fiaschi
Hi all, I am getting quite often CONCURRENT MODIFICATION ERRORS when trying to upload KWs. I have a long list of operations and my strategy is to batch the requests and then call the mutate method of the service for the batch. Batch are uploaded in series therefore, there should not be any issue

Re: Downloading reports concurrently returns corrupted report data. Please advise.

2014-05-15 Thread Oliver
This turned out to be a thread safety issue in one of the Java classes we use (NumberFormat) to parse the reports. Apologies for the false alarm. Oliver On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 4:29:28 PM UTC+1, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Oliver, > > Are you using a new instance of > R