Re: why keyword performance report different result by comparing results from HTTP Request and directly from mcc

2012-07-04 Thread Minius
Hello, I try that suggestion, but without no success. I get the same old result. 2012 m. liepa 5 d., ketvirtadienis 00:57:44 UTC+3, AdWords API Advisor rašė: > > Hello Oliver, Minius, > > > If you still get discrepancy, please send both reports with corresponding > report definition to me


2012-07-04 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello mm, The only way I know of is to try to modify it. Boost Ads campaigns are the only ones that should product this error. -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Monday, July 2, 2012 11:58:51 PM UTC+4, mm wrote: > > Hey guys - > I got this error trying to add a negative keyword to a campaign. Fro

Re: Batch keywords in STATS requests - Targeting Idea service

2012-07-04 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello Chirag, See getBulkKeywordIdeas method: -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Friday, June 29, 2012 8:59:50 PM UTC+4, Chirag wrote: > > Hello All, > > I wants t process 300 keywords per

Re: Creating a sandbox account python

2012-07-04 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello Nick, Please try the following: 1. Run with an empty clientCustomerId field. The request will most likely fail but will initialize the sandbox. 2. Run to retrieve the list of the accounts created. 3. Use one of the account IDs received on step 2 f

Re: API does not return 'Google Play Android Apps' Placements

2012-07-04 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello Ed, Mobile criteria are not supported in the API at the moment. -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 1:31:10 AM UTC+4, Ed- wrote: > > Hi, > > I am using the 201109 version of the API with PHP libs to download data. > An account manager just noticed we are missing 2 campa

Re: API usage costs

2012-07-04 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello VijayRaj, In most cases AdGroups contain much less keywords and it takes only few seconds to retrieve them. As Oliver already noted, the most cost-effective way is using reports - which are free. -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Wednesday, July 4, 2012 1:35:45 PM UTC+4, VijayRaj Chauhan

Re: AdWords Google Group unsubscription

2012-07-04 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello Federico, I can see your account it set to 'no emails' so your should not be receiving them. Anyway, I've manually removed you from the group which should solve the issue. Of course, you are welcome to re-join at any time. -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Wednesday, July 4, 2012 6:52:2

Re: Is this understanding of the ProxyCpc field correct?

2012-07-04 Thread Oliver
Anyone please? On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:13:07 PM UTC+1, Oliver wrote: > > Hi API team, > > In the adgroup report, we have these two fields: KeywordMaxCpc / > ProxyKeywordMaxCpc. > > and in the Keyword report we have these two: MaxCpc / ProxyMaxCpc. > > After a bit of research here on the forum

Re: why keyword performance report different result by comparing results from HTTP Request and directly from mcc

2012-07-04 Thread AdWordsAPIAdvisor
Hello Oliver, Minius, If you still get discrepancy, please send both reports with corresponding report definition to me via private message. I'll check why this happens for a particular account. -Danial, AdWords API Team. Original Message Follows: From: Oliver Sub

Re: How to get keywords

2012-07-04 Thread AdWordsAPIAdvisor
Hello Sean, Thank you for the feedback. Please also check this guide out regarding v13 reports migration: -Danial, AdWords API Team. Original Message Follows: From: Sean Subject: Re: How to get keywords Da

AdWords Google Group unsubscription

2012-07-04 Thread Rain
Hi, I want to stop receiving email from this group. I tried many time with the link, but without result, I tried to leave the group, even join the group and unflag all the email or at least make them ship weekly instead of daily. As last I also try to

Token Approval

2012-07-04 Thread anwar
Hi, is there anyone else that is waiting for the developer token approval since months? We have requested access in 2011, and the token is still "Pending Approval". We have had requests for additional information three times now, and have sent the information each time. Hang Out times of the de

Re: why keyword performance report different result by comparing results from HTTP Request and directly from mcc

2012-07-04 Thread Oliver
Danial, I don't know if your suggestion will work for Minius but I tried it myself (as I was having this exact issue) and I still see no difference when I use the predicate. My performance reports are still returning only active objects. This is causing a tricky situation as some keywords get

Problems with ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReport with .NET 14.5.0 client library

2012-07-04 Thread Alexander Nitschke
I have a few problems since upgrading to the .NET 14.5.0 library (newest version as of now): ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReport doesn't work when used with v201109_1 ReportDefinition. It gives the following error: Report contents are invalid. - !!!2|||-1|||cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid cont

Re: How to download keyword performance report for all accounts using MCC credentials

2012-07-04 Thread
Hi Sumit We do this for several clients. The basic process is: 1. Call the ServicedAccountService to get the account and sub-accounts. 2. For each account without any sub-accounts, run the report (we download xml) 3. We then use an iterator to present the results as a single result


2012-07-04 Thread
The recent news about v201206 API introduces use to AdWords Query language . Before I rush off an convert services calls to use this, can anyo

Re: API usage costs

2012-07-04 Thread Oliver
VijayRaj, why don't you get the data you want using the Criteria or Keyword reports? It's faster and free. Reports definitions are found here: Oliver On Wednesday, July 4, 2012 10:35:45 AM UTC+1, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote: > > Hi Dani

Why does the adwordapi team ignores our mail completely? Token #943859748

2012-07-04 Thread Andre_AMSNL
Since Early March we have been trying to get our API implementation approved. We initially got some answers and followed instructions We have completed implementation, setup a test account and environment as per request and have since last May I we are trying to contact adwordsapi team no sign o

Re: API usage costs

2012-07-04 Thread VijayRaj Chauhan
Hi Daniel, I want to get the list of all keywords and its other information like MaxCpc CpcBidSource, KeywordText, Cost, Clicks, Impressions etc...I am following the example given here

Re: How to get keywords

2012-07-04 Thread Sean
Hi Danial, Thank you for your response. I thought this was the case but it was not obvious to me that the userstatus needed to be status. I had gone through the examples as you point out below in your link but again there is just one keywords example and there is no mention in it about biddable

Re: Sandbox not generating 5 new accounts and gives OperationAccessDenied error

2012-07-04 Thread joanfihu
Hi Krunal, The first request to the sandbox creates 5 accounts. You have to use one of this created accounts as a clientId. You can get this accounts executing GetHierarchy. The usual response it's gonna be like this ((Customer Id, Account Name/Login, Link Status) 0,, N/A) As

Re: Which one is the TotalConversionValue?

2012-07-04 Thread Oliver
Thanks Kevin. No, they don't return different values. Infact, if I request both fields, only one colomn with that Display Name come back. I noticed there are many instances in various reports where two fields in one report have exactly the same 'Display Name' (just like 'ConversionValue' and '