Re: How do I get the MaxCpc Amount for a Content AdGroup that only uses Placement targeting (not Keyword targeting) ??

2011-12-11 Thread Michael Caldwell
Hi David. Thanks for your reply. I'm not using the Reporting API for the application we're having this issue with, but rather the AdGroupServiceInterface, calling get(), which returns an AdGroupPage, which returns an AdGroup array when you call getEntries(). Then I cast the getBids() object (after

destination URL from Audience (User Lists).

2011-12-11 Thread Dr G.
Hey, Although it's not mentioned in the API or anywhere else, I've notice I can set a Destination URL for the criterion holding the User List. After some tries (Deleting all cookies, only open the page with my User List Tag, and endless refreshes on a page with Google ad) I've found my Ad. And che

Making SOAP request in C#. Offline, not on a web application.

2011-12-11 Thread Dr G.
Hey, I'm trying to move my application to work with the new oAuth way without any luck. what I want to do is to have a two phase program. part 1: Let the user using a web application to authorized with Google. which, for as much as I understand, will give me the oauth_verifier token. save the tok