Can someone please explain why the following XML post fails with a
XML_STREAM_EXC faultcode?
My host provider does not support SOAP so I have to post the XML
direct using curl.
- SENT ---
POST /api/adwords/o/v200909/TargetingIdeaService HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: PHP
I have done project in PHP regarding adword in v13.But my client want
me to convert it into v2009.
Can anyone please help me initiate my job?
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I have a doubt
During the time of setting $report_job we need to mention the
following along with other details.
'2009-10-10' .
'2010-01-16' .
'Daily' .
Can anyone please clear my doubt that what is the main difference
between their objective and purpose of their use?
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