AdWords API Re: Getting SOAP error while using TargetingIdeaService (Perl) : "searchParameters" not recognized

2010-03-01 Thread Suraiya
Hi Eric, As part of my point 2 above, I forgot to mention that I uncomment the info and o blocks in the file. Thanks. Suraiya -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AdWords API Forum" group. To post to this group, send email to adwords

AdWords API Re: Getting SOAP error while using TargetingIdeaService (Perl) : "searchParameters" not recognized

2010-03-01 Thread Suraiya
Hi Eric, I noticed something (though for v200906) at It looks like the same is true for v200909 as well. Most likely the automatically (using wsdl2perl) generated classes in

AdWords API V2009 API SOAP/XML Examples?

2010-03-01 Thread Reed
I was watching today's V2009 migration webinar, but wasn't quick enough on getting this question submitted: Is there any chance of getting samples of the raw SOAP XML and their corresponding webservice response XML docs for a couple of the services? Services such as Campaign, AdGroup, AdGroupAd &

AdWords API Re: reports, Action Category field mapping, id to name

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi, Unfortunately there isn't a table available for this mapping. Are there specific values you want clarification on? Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On Mar 1, 10:32 am, mariek wrote: > When I download report with Action Category field selected in > Performance Report I get through api

AdWords API Re: Keyword destinationUrl in v13 and v200909

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Alexander, Worry not, there is still support for setting destination URLs on keywords! In the AdWords web interface the column is hidden by default, which may be why you missed it. In the v200909 version of the AdWords API this information is available to be retrieved and set using the Biddab

AdWords API Re: Mobile Ad country codes

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi James, Yes, the country codes have changed in the v2009 version of the API and you can use the v13 page you linked to. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On Feb 28, 7:50 pm, James wrote: > Hi, > I was looking for a list of the available Country codes for Mobile > Ads. The link in the v200

AdWords API Re: Reproting Service and Rules

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Harut, That could also be a problem with the sandbox validation. Please try that report in the production environment and let us know if you have any problems. Best, - Eric On Feb 27, 5:58 am, harroot wrote: > Hi Eric, Thank you for your replay > > Yes I'm using sandbox environment, >  and

AdWords API Re: Proximity Target and wrong location on api

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi, Can you post a sample SOAP XML request and response that demonstrates this problem? Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On Feb 26, 6:12 pm, SW wrote: > Hi, > > I am using v13 version of google adwords api.  I saw a strange > behavior when i use radius around zipcode feature of the api to

AdWords API Re: Range Error - Too Low

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Navi, When updating any entity using the v2009 API it is always best to only set the fields you wish to change. If you aren't trying to change the budget in that operation then you should leave the budget field as null. In this case 300 micros is too low of a budget: For US dollars, $1 is

AdWords API Re: "Cannot serve any requests for the specified account. Please contact support."

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Yang, Please log into your AdWords or MCC account and check for notifications. A common cause is having a credit card expire in your billing information. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On Feb 26, 3:05 pm, yang zhou wrote: > When I tried to use the Google adwords java api, I instantia

AdWords API Re: What is the difference between using the 'REMOVE' operand and setting an status as 'DELETED'?

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi, Unfortunately the support for the REMOVE operator vs the DELETED/ DISABLED status isn't clearly documented. Here is a brief summary: Campaign: Set status=DELETED => status=DELETED AdGroup: Set status=DELETED => status=DELETED AdGroupAd: Set status=DISABLED or use the REMOVE operator => statu

AdWords API SOAP API says my token doesn't work, the MCC says it's valid.

2010-03-01 Thread Dhammiko
Hello all, I have a question about my API developer key. When I log into the adwords MCC my developer token has a green 'Valid' tag next to it. I downloaded some perl API code from the adwords repository and configured it with my MCC login and password and keys. This is the API error message whe

AdWords API Re: What is the difference between using the 'REMOVE' operand and setting an status as 'DELETED'?

2010-03-01 Thread Peter Niederwieser
My guess is that the remove operand is for negative keywords (negative keywords don't have a userStatus). But I haven't verified this yet. Cheers, Peter On Feb 26, 9:01 pm, T L wrote: > For example, you can either use the 'REMOVE' operand on the > BiddableAdGroupCriterion object or change the us

AdWords API Search Query Performance Report

2010-03-01 Thread jarboy
Hi, With regard to collecting Search Query Performance Report data via the api, is there a way to match the search query term with a keyword in the AdGroup? Many thanks, Jarboy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AdWords API Forum" group. To post to th

AdWords API Re: What is the difference between using the 'REMOVE' operand and setting an status as 'DELETED'?

2010-03-01 Thread Katrin
hey :) .. i don't know what's the difference for criterions .. (just try to set the status to deleted and see what happens) as for adgroups .. as far as i know they cannot be 'removed' only set to deleted (the same for campaigns) its all a bit of trial and error .. because its not stated in the d

AdWords API Re: Getting a user-friendly text from an exception in v200909

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Everyone, Here's the link to the codesite issue: Please add your suggestions to the codesite issue thread as well, so I can implement the relevant changes in a future version of the client library. Thanks, Anash, AdWords API

AdWords API Auto-tagging and AdParams

2010-03-01 Thread Julian Harris
Hi all, I wanted to check that in order to track performance of individual AdParams, I should pass {param1} and {param2} in the appropriate places in the destination URL for a given keyword to send the individual ad params to Analytics -- will this work? If not do you know how I can do this? --

AdWords API Re: ad mutation in API v200909

2010-03-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi, It isn't possible to modify the destination URL of an ad using either the AdWords API or web interface. If you want to change the URL you must make a new ad and then delete the old ad. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On Feb 26, 10:24 am, kgb wrote: > Hi everybody. > > I need to chang

AdWords API Re: AdParams not working!!!!

2010-03-01 Thread Pascal
It just started working again for us. It was effectivly down from 18.2. until earlier this morning. I had no chance to check for param2 yet but param1 is working right now. On 21 Feb., 16:39, majco wrote: > It is possible to check only after real campaing started, it's true. > But to the date of

AdWords API keywordMatchTypes

2010-03-01 Thread mike1
I've been having a hell of a time trying to find code examples for keywordMatchTypes for php here is the main part of my code... can someone please help me. I want to only pull one type of keyword match i.e EXACT not all three (BROAD, PHRASE, EXACT) i've looked at

AdWords API SiteSuggestionService.getSitesByCategoryName

2010-03-01 Thread Ashraf Akl
Hello There are any way to return site suggestions based on the specified category name on api v200909 like SiteSuggestionService.getSitesByCategoryName in api v13 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AdWords API Forum" group. To post to this group, send

AdWords API campaign enddate parsing

2010-03-01 Thread Ram
Enddate of a Campaign is changed to type "String" in API v2009. Is the format always "mmdd"? Why was the type changed to "String" where as endDate was of type Date in V13? I am using the java client library and this format is not even compatible with the string generated from java Date's toStri

AdWords API reports, Action Category field mapping, id to name

2010-03-01 Thread mariek
When I download report with Action Category field selected in Performance Report I get through api id , but when opening the repots via interface I can see its real name. Where can I find table with codes teling which id represents which action category (e.g. Purchase/Sale) ? -- You received this

AdWords API Keyword destinationUrl in v13 and v200909

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Furman
I'm migrating my v13 code to v2000909 and it looks like I'm little bit behind of all recent (and not so recent) changes in Adwords and Adwords API. It is still possible to get and set Keyword destinationUrl using v13 API (CriterionService and Structure report). And if I'm not mistaking six months