Any help on this?
On Oct 30, 9:15 am, icv_adwords wrote:
> On developer site, I don't get this message (same campaign, same
> adword account)
> On Oct 30, 9:12 am, icv_adwords wrote:
> > After change ending date, I got another error message. See xml
> > response below. Please note that, this
Ok, thanks for anwering in and dinvin inot my last question; then we
cross our fingers for that.
The api keywordtool is pretty useless without cpc figures though. So
you have my vote implementing that one. Can you also pass that to the
Or is there another way of getting the "average cpc
I'm migrating from APIlity v13 to v200909 and tried to run examples/
v200909/GetAllCampaignsExample.php with mixed results. It seems that
the WSDL is returning an authToken, however, non of my campaign info
returns. I'm making the request on our production account and not the
sandbox eith