The SSL handshake problem appeared to have been fixed in the evening
yesterday, but just started again.
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Hi All,
I have the following problem: I'm trying to add a new campaign with
the following SOAP message:
envelope/" xmlns:ns1="";
xmlns:xsi="";>Toading PHP Sync processor v1.0 Alph
Plz help, I'm getting the following error:
One or more input elements failed validation.
One or more input elements failed validation.
Got a question about reporting that is somewhat difficult to test. In
v13, If I schedule a report of type ...
DefinedReportJob -> selectedReportType = "Creative"
DefinedReportJob -> aggregationTypes = "Daily"
..., is it possible to get multiple rows in the returned report with
identical cam
Hello Albin,
As per the documentation
only the 'status' field of an ad is updatable. You can't make changes
to any of the other fields.
-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
On Jun 9, 7:06 am, Albin wrote:
> He
FWIW, I have also been seeing this error over the last few days, but
not this morning.
Int32 Read(Byte[], Int32, Int32) throws "Received an unexpected EOF or
0 bytes from the transport stream."
C# Code:
Uri uri = new Uri(reportService.getReportDownloadUrl(reportId));
HttpWebRequest request = (Ht
I an wondering why the following code does nothing. I don´t get any
error but I don´t see any change. I tried to change the values of the
advert and I tried also to create a new one to do the swap. The
attempt to create a new one with the previouse ID crashes, so the
system detects when it
Thank You for response, as You suggested I got proper report
definition after defining it with web interface and it works
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