AdWords API Re: Ad variation "Under Review"

2009-05-12 Thread mark w.
As a follow-up to this then, as I start to go look at the 2009 APIs: Are there known differences between how the Adwords Interface and API engines treat incoming user ad copy? I've been finding that ads submitted via the APIs have a very high likelihood of being marked as "under review" whereas t

AdWords API keywordRequest - forbidden characters

2009-05-12 Thread Lawrence Pierce
I noticed that I get an error whenever I send a keyword request where the keyword text contains an apostrophe, however I can query the same keyword without issue through the keyword tool. Is there a mechanism that I can use to succesfully query those keywords through the API? Thanks Lawrence Pie

AdWords API Re: GetKeywordEstimate targeting a non-US market

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Lawrence, All currency values throughout the AdWords API are represented as micros (one-millionths) of the fundamental unit of currency for the AdWords account making the call. So if you make the estimateCampaignList() call using the credentials of an AdWords account whose currency is USD,

AdWords API Re: GetKeywordEstimate targeting a non-US market

2009-05-12 Thread AdGooroo
Thanks Jeff, this has been very helpful. One more question, when the respone is received, what type of currency will be represented in the CPC fields? Will it always be US dollars? Thanks Again Lawrence On May 12, 1:03 pm, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hello Lawrence, > >  For full control over

AdWords API Re: GetKeywordEstimate targeting a non-US market

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Lawrence, For full control over the targeting used when calculating estimates, you should use the estimateCampaignList(). This blog post that I wrote should provide the info you're looking for: Cheers, -Je

AdWords API GetKeywordEstimate targeting a non-US market

2009-05-12 Thread Lawrence Pierce
What steps need to be followed to specify a non-US market when making a KeywordRequest using the estimateKeyword method of the TrafficEstimatorService? I would really appreciate any help I can get with this issue. Thanks Lawrence Pierce AdGooroo --~--~-~--~~~---~--~

AdWords API Re: Unsupported BusinessName and BusinessAddress columns on Creative Summary report

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Eric, Based on what the reports engineering team told me, one potential reason that this problem might have suddenly arose is if a AdWords account that had a local business ad was just unlinked from your MCCs, or if the local business ads were deleted. Now that I have the reports enginee

AdWords API Re: Query Strings and destinationUrl in Criterion Service

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello, There's no mention of this functionality in the AdWords API documentation because it's a feature of the core AdWords system, and not related to the API. You can use those replacement macros from the AdWords web interface as well. Here's a discussion topic in the AdWords Basics Google Gr

AdWords API Re: createClientAccount with api

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello, I'd suggest that you contact the AdWords Reseller API team directly and provide a full log of the XML request that you're sending (i.e. the output from the show_xml($account_service) statement). They should be able to assist. Cheers, -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team On May 12, 7:18 am,

AdWords API Re: Ad variation "Under Review"

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Mark, That information is not exposed in the AdWords API v13. However, once v200902 is available in Production, you should have access to ads' approval statuses. Take a look at this documentation for the v200902 Sandbox release for more details:

AdWords API Re: Unsupported BusinessName and BusinessAddress columns on Creative Summary report

2009-05-12 Thread Eric
Jeff, We appreciate the followup. Do you have any indication why this would work for four months and then stop working? Also, this report request fails on only two out of ten MCCs. We don't believe the other 8 MCCs have accounts with at least one local business ad. On our end, we will look mo

AdWords API Re: reach and frequency report

2009-05-12 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Mario, If you're asking for a programmatic way of checking, you could take a look at any ad group within a campaign using getAllAdGroups() and then check to see if it has its siteMaxCpm property set

AdWords API Query Strings and destinationUrl in Criterion Service

2009-05-12 Thread Monty808
Hi, I have seen from older posts of how to find out the key word a clicker clicked... if my landing page is in the criterian service and for each keywordI create a sperate url destination if the form of{keyword} where google is reposible for inserting the keyw

AdWords API createClientAccount with api

2009-05-12 Thread ilkerburak
hi,i have a reseller account and able to create adwords client account i'm trying in php code with v13: ' . '' . '11nx' . 'tr' . ''. 'true'. 'true'. 'true'. 'true'. 'true'. '' . 'USD' .

AdWords API Re: API-Access impossible

2009-05-12 Thread Pazcal de Jonge
Hi Jeff, Thnx for you answer so far. As I suspected, our tool did a good job this morning. It has run completely without any disconnections. About the SOAP log; I have enabled the SOAP log file from now on. As soon as our tool runs into a forcibly closed connection, I will send you the log. Ch