I am just a beginner but what I read in the docs was that you have to do it
in REVERSE order!!!
Have a look at RedBook SG24-4877 "Tivoli Storage Management Concepts" (it
can be downloaded from http://www.redbooks.ibm.com).
At page 88 (p.110 in the PDF) you can read:
" 5.4.2 Reclamation of o
IMHO training can provide you two things - a smooth start and someone more
experienced than you (to ask questions and to give you broad overview).
At the other side nothing can replace practical experience ("The experience
is proportional to the number of broken systems" :-)
So the answer is: do
Image backup is completely different than selective backup. This is offline
backup of raw device, i.e. RDBMS table space.
Any improvements with point in time backup/restores? I see an
"imagebackup", but from reading the description doesn't make much sense to
me. It reads pretty much like the s
The backup set IS exactly a snapshot. It makes a bundle of file copies and
does not track the separate files (the DB tracks them as parts of stgpools)
but tracks the entire bundle/backupset as a single object.
The backupset written to a media (tapes, CDs, etc.) can be used for "bare
Check the destination storage pool in your copy group.
Are you using different node name for Backup/Archive client and for TDP ?
What is the TDP you are having problem with ?
I made backups successfully on disk with both TDP for Domino and TDP for
Gisbert Schneider <[EMAIL PROTEC
We run a nightly archive of 70 GB that is taking just over 8 hours
uncompressed. In our Magstar 3570 we have two different tape drives. My
question follows: Is it possible to be running two different archives at
the same time to cut down the processing time? If it is possible how
THIS IS NOT TRUE. Look at the report from TDP for Informix backup:
tsm: PUMBA.ACIT.BG>q cont /dev/rtsm_bk00
Node NameType Filespace Client's Name for File
We run a nightly archive of 70 GB that is taking just over 8 hours
uncompressed. In our Magstar 3570 we have two different tape drives. My
question follows: Is it possible to be running two different archives at
the same time to cut down the processing time? If it is possible how
See redbook SG2-6110 "Tivoli Storage Manager Version 3.7.3 & 4.1: Technical
Guide" p.p. 20-39 (36-55 in pdf file).
You can obtain it from http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/
You can find there description of adaptive sub-file backup in detail.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
mrkirra2001 <[EMAIL PROTEC
commands. They can help you when the bad things already happened.
If you want to prevent or predict tape failure you can use private volumes
instead of scratch (yes, I know it's harder to maintain).
For private volume
AUDIT VOLUME helps to localize faulty files and to mark them in the
database. Afterwards you must perform RESTORE VOLUME or RESTORE STGPOOL to
bring the file back. AUD V does not perform the restore by itself but after
audit volume-by-volume you can perform one complete restore of the whole
The idea behind backupset is to have all files for quick restore after a
disaster - some are calling it "bare metal" restore.
After you finish restore of files (including *SM client) you can easily
continue with raw device restore to completely restore the whole data.
*SM server is unaware of data
if a customer does have maintenance contract - first year after purchase
(of v4.1 in our case) or additionally paid for next years is he eligible to
receive last version (here 4.2) without additional fees?
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 31.07.2001
1. Same data twice - I am not sure but as far as I know - NO! After first
backup you can make second copies (in copy pool, backup sets) but not at
the same time.
2. Under Notes/Domino - YES! In Notes/Domino each user's mail box is a
separate database which can be restored individually. If you use
As you read tivoli.tsm.devices.rte and tivoli.tsm.devices.fcprte are
mutualy exclusive filesets.
The reason is that the latter DOES CONTAIN all the files from the first
one. Thus you get both FC and SCSI attachments. All singing, all dancing.
BUT BE CAREFULL for the order:
1. install tivoli.tsm.de
These tasks can be done with other Tivoli products.
TSM v3.7 and beyond is successor of former IBM ADSM (v3.1 and below)
product and this list is for both. The products cover backup and archiving
of data.
The tasks you want to perform can be done with Tivoli Inventory and Tivoli
You have at least three options:
1. Brute force attack - make a statement or even block those nodes from
using the server.
2. Install Tivoli Software Distribution product and perform clients upgrade
by yourself (will it be easier? :-)
3. have a beer and leave as it is.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultan
you are doing things well. But you did not pointed how much is your backup
data to see is this a problem or not. But to fill several libraries in 4
1/2 hours is good job and I think there is no any problems.
Normally the backup of clients to primary pools (!) must finish within the
backup wi
Have you tried to invoke the command with "-date 2" or set dateformat
option in dsm.opt??
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Luciano Ariceto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02.08.2001 22:49:48
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Are you made your existing copies using LVM, i.e. each TSM DB volume is on
LVM logical volume with two copies?
If you make DB volume mirrors using TSM then there is no problem to go
beyond VG boundaries.
If you imagine the raw device(s) (of the LVM lv) are partitions, DBVOL is a
logical partition
> ... I rather NOT use RAID-5 for TSM disk pool volumes... Why pay the penalty
for calc & writing parity when you don't expect to read it more than
once?!? This data is so transient (in general, it exists for less than 48
it's not worth sacrificing ANY performance -- we really want to g
--> ... in these days where disk space is not much more expensive than tape space.
I would disagree on part. LTO is sligthly better than disks when measured
in TB/sq.m. but does not require those many kVAs disks need. Disks require
about 30W/drive + some extra for controllers, etc. Also this elec
Yes, you have doubled your copypool copies. And yes, you know the answer -
you can delete safely volumes from "old" copy pool if it was used to
backup ONLY primaryA pool. WARNING: if you have backed up more than one
primary pool chain (!) to same copy pool and only one chain is backed to
there is no simple answer, it depends.
If you make two backups to a primary pool and just send one set of tapes
off-site it would expire.If you backup primary pool to copypool it is
One method to retain "forever" first backup and expire next one (with
consequent ones) is to use two
If you read carefully library maintenance manual you would find that
library requires a cartridge with specific label (starting with CLNI, i.e.
CLNI39 is the one I've used last week) and performs cleaning
automatically. So set CLEANFREQ=NONE as Mark pointed. Those of you WITH
3584 may have overloo
definitely NO (if you are not talking about NT v0.357 :)
You can have more interfaces limited by number of slots and maximum number
of particular adapter combinations supported by the HW
TSM does not deal with SCSI direct but through OS and drivers. NT 4 does
not limit to only
Other server is related not to copy pool but to the device class. You have
only to define second pool over same devclass.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
e copy-pool is defined to the number of copy-pools I define ?
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Zlatko Krastev/ACIT [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2002 07:47
> Betreff: Re: server-to-server
the reason is that patches are released to fix specific problems (that's
why they are *patches*) and do not go through full testing procedure.
Whereas maintenance and rarely *some* patches get more testing and become
recommended and pointed by web site.
Think as ftp site holding all versio
you provoked many answers to wrong thread. So get an answer on this one as
Facts about 3584:
- you can have HVD, LVD or FC drives or mix of them;
- you can have from 1 to 72 drives;
- you can use one or dual channel SCSI, integrated or on slot;
- you can connect drives one per bus, t
you can define virtual filespaces using VIRTUALMOUNTPOINT option. They
would become separate filespaces on TSM server's DB and you can use DELete
FIlespace command later.
The other possible approach is to re-bind *all* files from than directory
*before* deletetion to a class with verdeleted
octet 255 is broadcast only if network is class C, i.e. - Other case is when subnet mask is 24 bits -
But if he has subnet for example (adresses - this is ordinary host address and this IS a bug.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consul
How many drives do you have in the library? Can you provide additional
info - output from Q LIBR, from Q DRI F=D and from Q DEV 3590CLASS2.
You do not have reclamation pool and if the number of drives is not enough
reclamation would not start.
Was it ever working?
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Look at the output of Q DB F=D. Is you cache hit ratio below 95%? What is
the type/speed of disks you use for DB volumes, Q DBV may sched some
Check also the connection to those nodes - 10/100, Full/Half duplex
settings. Avoid auto-detect settings on both Ethernet adapters and switch.
select schedule_name, status, result, reason -
from events -
where date(scheduled_start) <= current_date - cast(1 as interval day)
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Zlatko Krastev/ACIT'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
a handle on this events table. The SQL you supplied
isn't working on my server ( on AIX). When I do a select with no
dates in the where clause,
all I get is the admin scheds for the current day. Other than that, I
can't get a thing. Is there something I'm missing??
Have fun!
- kai.
-Original Message-
From: Zlatko Krastev/ACIT
Sent: 6/6/02 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: tsm ftp server
the reason is that patches are released to fix specific problems (that's
why they are *patches*) and do not go through full testing pro
maybe you already found the problem but there can be a real situation
without any errors to force same behavior:
17.4% of the disk pool are free, i.e. 21 GB. And if the client attempts to
write 25 GB file it would go direct to next primary pool.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please re
Same as we had with 7337-306. Use
checkin libv lb0.0.0.1 search=yes volrange=cln001,cln001
to cheat the TSM. Have in mind Mark's remark.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PRO
MAXNUMMP takes place for direct to tape operations. For disk you can have
more sessions but when disk pool gets full only maxnummp of them will
continue to write to tape.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist S
AFAIK we still do not have the include.dir option :-)
But "exclude /.../*" left alone will do the trick.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
you can have v4.1, v4.2 and v5.1 clients with v4.2 server and according to
Tivoli all those are working *and* supported configurations. So you can
upgrade your server to 4.2.x.x and everything ought to be fine.
As Don said unsupported does not automatically mean broken. For old/rare
OSes many are
default is 90 days.
If you set it to 0 you disable recycling of passwords and in long term are
vulnerable to password compromise.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
No need to audit 3K volumes :-) Look for APAR IC33641 or search Tivoli KB for ANR0197E.
We had same problem not with tape but with file volume:
ANR8341I End-of-volume reached for FILE volume
ANR0195W Attempting to remove extraneous database entries for volume
--> It'll be wierd when my 3494 is my "low-latency, low-capacity" storage
Don't be afraid of this. Magstar is still not dead. Maybe you missed it
but last month's IBM news article was about 1 TB in 3590 not in LTO
cartridge :-)
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dis
if you can afford little bit more time I would recommend you to test it
first to ensure it will run smoothly:
1. Get another box capable to run AIX 4.2.1 (it can be hard those days :-)
and put ADSM 3.1 on it.
2. Restore your TSM DB to this "new" box. Just the DB, there is no need to
--> The site belongs to a customer who doesn´t like very much applying
You can apply *maintenance* not a patch by installing You can
point to the customer that he/she does not stay at AIX 4.3.0 but is using
4.3.3 to get *improvements*.
--> 4. There were some noticeable perfo
All other questions were answered so I would grab only #5 :) and add one
5. Firmwares on IBM SSG site are separated for AIX and Windows. Simply
download AIX package, follow the readme and no need to introduce Windoze.
#8: plan carefully your stgpool chain(s).
You may consider some nodes to g
if you only new to the list it is OK. But if you are also new to TSM I
would highly recommend you to start with SG24-4877 "Tivoli Storage
Management Concepts". Read all the chapters relevant to what you have -
"must read" 1-8 + "optional" 9-13,30 + any related to your TDP (if any,
of course working for IBM you have no option than to say good words about
the company and products :)
But to be honest we have to say that 3583 is just OEMed ADIC Scalar 100
with IBM Ultrium drives in it. Anyway it is still a very good library.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please r
but Windows does not have so smart installer as AIX's installp. It would
request from you first to install and then to install And
she is having 4.2.0 install CD.
you do not need to put v4.2.1. Go straight with 4.2.2 as Burak suggested.
If you still insist go to
You cannot have "migration" back to disk pool - TSM will not allow you to
create closed loop of pools and pool of type DISK cannot be set as
reclamation pool.
You have to define pool over devclass of type FILE and set it as
reclamation pool to the tape pool. And the size of file pool does not need
/etc/passwd, $HOME/.rhosts :-) Just kidding.
You authorise user to access the data, not the nodes. And the data resides
on the server. Users do not need to contact your node to get the data. On
the end everything else is stored in TSM server DB, why to store those
ACLs in other place.
But if you a
DSMSERV_ACCOUNTING_DIR is an environment variable and has nothing to do
with dsmserv.opt.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
in general I am on your side but some of the arguments are weak:
1. stgpool backups
If the DB is reverted back newly created copypool tapes will be listed as
scratch and primary pools' objects will have no copies. Next backup to
this copypool will fix the things and probably will use same
If you mean list like this one - subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You
have to send empty mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Or get list of command
by sending mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
If you mean site - Tivoli Knowledge Base
(http://www.tivoli.com/support/knowledgebase) allows searches through
tme10 l
from financial point this Exadrive might seem very attractive. But are you
sure it would fit in TSM environment without performance degradation. For
me this might be something very similar to cheap "RAID" advertized by PC
mainboards but with all the problems IDE/EIDE/ATAPI devices have - no
that Marist's upgrade didn't fix
Richard's ability to get mail from the list.
Subject: Re: good readings
Sent by:
unfortunately Richard is still having TCP/IP problems between MARIST and
their site. This prevents him to receive ADSM-L postings.
You can still contact him directly on <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist S
What have you totalled - sum(capacity) or sum(capacity * pct_util / 100) ?
Latter will give you the ammount of data while former will give you the
space in filesystems (occupied and non-occupied). Also take into account
that not all the data may be backed up - you can exclude some files.
And an ex
Password of SNMPADMIN has nothing to do with community name. In fact
whatever password you set it does not matter.
Community string is necessary for SNMP operations.
Assuming you are using snmpinfo from the *same* box you should use:
# snmpinfo -v -ms -c private ibmAdsmServerScript1.1="q_db_util"
maybe it just followed the
DSMSERV_DIR variables' location?
Subject: Re: dsmaccnt.log
Sent by:
Dealing mainly with customers that have no test environment our company is
forced to be (very) conservative. That's why I personally recommend to
stay somewhat behind latest versions even for new installs.
Tom is pressed with timeframes. We are dealing with customer's data not
ours. So I am very c
Client stores the password in encrypted form. Both encrypted and
unencrypted form were treated as zero-terminated string and from there
comes the bug. If encrypted form contained NULL (\0x00) character
somewhere (not necessarily as first char) it was treated as end-of-string
and the rest of passwo
the answer is that someone have put a SCSI adapter in the box and Windoze
being "so smart" reordered ALL the SCSI/FC adapters. SCSI adapters get
numbered before FC ones thus your QLogic get higher number (6, having 5 in
the past). The other possibility is that there was second SAN switch/pl
unfortunately IBM LTO drives *have* to be installed and used through IBM
SSG drivers not by using adsmscsi.sys driver. Thus for FC-attached 3583
the best you can do is what John already have done - use changer through
TSM-driver and drives through Windows (RSM) driver.
I would
And have in mind that someone can do it also from ANY MgSysSAN node !!
Thus it would be good to disable 'configure' method for smcN on Storage
Agent systems to prevent device become "Available" and be used from that
box's administrator causing grief to you at the server box.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Con
you already found the *best* answer yourself - yes, set new stgpool as
next to existing one and lower migration thresholds to 0. Just some
additional remarks:
- set the "old" pool(s) as read-only and (optional) set maxscratch=0. This
would prevent nodes to fill the pool while you are try
You did not stated what is the client OS. I assume you are talking about
The answer is to create two dsm.opt files not two set of binaries. Then
use "dsmc -optfile=". Also you can set -optfile
parameter for a service and install two services with different
optfiles/settings. This is for e
The answer is - you can't. Sorry. We've discussed this in the past but
with no success. And AFAIK the is no DPI v4.2.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ports 1500 and 1501 do *not* need to be bi-directional.
Connection on port 1500 is always initiated from the node to the server.
Connection on port 1501 is always from the server to the node. Just
firewall admin should set them correct.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Di
1. Ensure expiration is happening - if expiration interval in 'q stat'
output is 0 there must be admin schedule for 'expi inv'.
2. 'q stg f=d' will show you the reclamation
threshold. It usually has to be 60-70 (%). If is 100% reclamation will
never start.
3. compare the percentage in 'q vol' aga
you hit the bullseye - the main problem would be volumes. But not only
ones used by single (deleted) node. The ones used by two nodes might be
bigger problem. Let say volume CBA321 hold the data for both nodeA and
nodeB, who will be the owner of the libvolume? Collocation is the key - so
Tony, could you explain a bit more. I am somewhat confused.
You (instead of CA?) "fought" to fix Arcserve agent for 8 months??? Was it
so broken? What means 95% operational, what are the rest 5%, what was the
percentage before those 8 months? And what on the end is "tolerable",
something you still
Full "bare metal" can also be assumed as restore with disk replacement. So
look at MS KB article Q243195.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The thread was initially for web admin but my vote definitely goes to CLI
(I had not the chance to work with ADSM 3.1 so am not familiar with GUI).
I am another person using *only* CLI. Being at customer site when someone
opens web interface for TSM administration I use again only its CLI
The error is resulting from the major change made to 64-bit environment
between AIX 4.3 and 5L.
Look at IBM Announcement Letter ZP02-0172:
"IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases
- Tivoli Data Protection for Informix Version 4.1 for AIX
-- AIX 4.3.3 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Actually the steps are just the same as for migration from 3590B to 3590E.
IBM CE will perform the upgrade and you will do the rest.
The latter is well documented and you can also find plenty of info in list
archives (http://www.adsm.org/).
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM
My personal recommendation is to evaluate upgrade to 3590H. I am surprised
why this is not the IBM's first proposal. Arguments:
LTO definitely is downgrade to what you have now both in terms of
performance and reliability as others already answered. Higher capacity
per volume and much lower price
Very well written !!!
May I slightly improve it:
1. Mark diskpool volumes read-only. Migrate disk pools and mark all
primary volumes read-only (or only ones which do not have copypool
backups). Check out all read-only tapes.
2. Like your step 1 but take only one db backup. The rest as described in
IBM SAN Data Gateway supports IBM 3575. You can attach both 3575s to same
For 3583 there is SDG module with 4 LVD ports which is field installable
in the library (as an upgrade). It is cheaper than standalone product and
does not occupy additional space.
Both standalone and module versions ar
Two simple steps:
1. create manual library and (the only :) drive for the standalone drive
2. update device class to point to new library - UPD DEV
Steps are very well described in the TSM docs.
If you have problems with these post again to the list.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
# dsmc -virtualnodename=
dsmc> restore {/home}/* /tsmarchive/ -su=y
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Restore filesystem to d
Your calculator is fine but it would be a hard job.
- DB volumes occupy ~6GB (6000 MB not 6144), DB is assigned to 4000 MB of
which 1304 are not used. Total used space (without spare room for
anything) is ~= 2700 MB.
- rootvg is having 1376 MB in unallocated partitions (the line from `lsvg
Usual reasons were already explained but there is another one I had
A node is using client compression with large number of threads (16-20).
Each thread is allocating some space in disk pool and starts
reading+compressing the data. If space is very close to *compressed*
ammount of data t
not always you should reset the node's password. Invocation with
-virtualnodename asks for ID and defaults to that node's name. Type there
an administrator's ID (from 'q admin') with enough rights over the node
and later enter administrator's password. Session is established but
node's pas
You already got the answer yourself. Neither tar & cpio can read each
others data nor TSM can read tapes created by them. Each program is using
own tape data format and cannot interpret other formats.
Have in mind TSM will store the "temp directory" path and filesystem path
info. Also you cannot r
SAN for sure would help.
We made a server for customer to backup 600+ GB Oracle DB with TSM client
compression for 5 hours over Gigabit Ethernet. SAN-attached LTO can be
even better but you have to use tape drive compression, not TSM client in
such case.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
This rule is for UNIX servers (AIX, Solaris, HP-UX). You can find where
the rule originates from - in redbook "Getting Started with Tivoli Storage
Manager: Implementation Guide" (SG24-5416-01) on p.270 you can find a
"Tivoli Adaptive Algorithm:
Tivoli Storage Manager can us
you can read a nice redbook called "Tivoli Storage Management Concepts"
(SG24-4877-02) which would help you to understand all those magical TSM
terms. It can be found on http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/
The book is ideal for newcomers in TSM world and even people having lots
of experience with
but Dennis is reporting this on as well so maybe the APAR have to
updated (and worked on).
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just re-type this line again. I guess you have some hidden character in
"ManagedServices" word. If you tar (!!! to prevent modification from
mailers) and attach your dsm.sys we can verify this.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent b
I have to disagree with you. This is a nice solution from TSM performance
perspective but throws away most of the security achieved by building a
DMZ. The idea of DMZ is to isolate exposed servers and id case of
intrusion in one of them internal corporate network still to be not
reachable b
I hope I can also contribute somehow to the FAQ with few additions and
suggestions for correction.
01-08. What is the audience of the list?
A.: Many people related to ADSM/TSM/ITSM are actively participating on the
list - *SM administrators & users, *SM consultants & solution designers,
David already answered to question 2 but as an additional remark - when
TSM started to write a tape volume uncompressed the tape has to become
back scratch to start write on it with compression.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
There is whole redbook on this topic - "Backing Up DB2 Using Tivoli
Storage Manager" (SG24-6247-00).
It ought to answer most of your questions and will give you examples which
are more detailed than you can find in an answer on the list.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM: D
do you have collocation on the copy pool? This might explain why small
chunk of data resides alone on a virtual volume.
Another possibility is that your virtual volumes devclass at that time had
maxcap=500MB or 1000 MB and you later modified it to be 10GB.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Looking at the length of this thread and shaking my memory this question
might be a good candidate for the Monthly FAQ (Mark, what do you think ?)
And maybe Gianluca can quote how many times this happened without being
reported on the list.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Please respond to "ADSM
ESS is a complex piece of equipment and as any such one can be configured
in zillions of ways - some good, some bad and some of them perfect. With
proper configuration of the *whole* system you can get impressive results.
Check the settings of the AIX, FC HBAs, zoning and mainly the ESS LUNs. It
Hello all,
If you do not like to read long posts please skip this one - it can be
I have a very nasty problem at customer site and asking for your help are
we the only having it. If not can we fight it together.
Server: v4.2.1.15, Windows 2000 SP2
Client: v4.2.2.1 (was 4.2.1
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