Script to register node using Curl and Rest API

2016-04-01 Thread Anderson Douglas
do this? This is a link with REST API supportable commands Anderson Douglas da Silva

Re: Script to register node using Curl and Rest API

2016-04-01 Thread Anderson Douglas
mail":"", > ["schedule":" ]", > ["optionset":" ]", > ["deduplication":" ]", > ["sslrequired":" ]", > ["sessioninitiation":" ]" > }} > > > > Thank you, > > Del > > --

Re: Script to register node using Curl and Rest API

2016-04-04 Thread Anderson Douglas
"rest", > "domain":"standard", > "contact":"rest", > "email":"" > }} > > > **My opinions are my own** > > Evan Dunn > Spectrum Protect Dev-Test > > > > Fr

Re: ISP 81 Discontinued functions

2016-12-09 Thread Anderson Douglas
where did you find this information? do you have any link? On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Chavdar Cholev wrote: > Does some one check discontinued functions in new version... > especially part of no VM backup as standard function in BA client > It is not good at all. TDP for Virtual enviro

Re: ISP 81 Discontinued functions

2016-12-09 Thread Anderson Douglas
bad news to us too... On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Stefan Folkerts wrote: > It's true > > For reference: > > @32:25 > > > On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Anderson Douglas > wrote: > > > where d

integration TSM with Openstack

2017-01-10 Thread Anderson Douglas
Hello We will start inititial configurations to integration TSM with Openstack I want to know if i must have TDP for VE to realize this integration??? In this link its seens to simple, need only BA Client --

Re: Advice for archiving 80 billion of small files.

2017-01-20 Thread Anderson Douglas
Try image backup Em 20/01/2017 12:23, "Bo Nielsen" escreveu: > Hi all, > > I need advice. > I must archive 80 billion small files, but that is not possible, as I see > it. > since it will fill in the TSM's Database about 73 Tb. > The filespace is mounted on a Linux server. > Is there a way to pa

Re: deleted tapes with discard data

2009-05-27 Thread Anderson Douglas da Silva
Rodney I think you'll need restore you last database backup. When you delete a volume from primary pool, automatically you lost the copy pool data too. --- Anderson Douglas da Silva -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Beha

IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Report 6.1

2009-08-31 Thread Anderson Douglas da Silva
Does anyone have a document or a PDF ?? I need to customize some monitoring, but I don't have an ideia. --- Anderson Douglas da Silva OSY Backup/Storage Man power ·T··· Systems do Brasil Ltda Rodovia Anchieta Km 23,5 Ala 22 Térreo Bairro: Demarchi SB Campo SP CEP: 09823-901 Tel Com

Re: SV: IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Report 6.1

2009-08-31 Thread Anderson Douglas da Silva
Sorry, The Tivoli Enterprise Portal. About ISC I have some docs. --- Anderson Douglas da Silva OSY Backup/Storage Man power ·T··· Systems do Brasil Ltda Tel Com: +55 11 2184-2492 ´Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou privilegiada. Se você não for o destinatário ou a pessoa

Select Total Tapes X Collocation Group

2010-03-18 Thread Anderson Douglas da Silva
Hi, I have some Collocation Group in my TSM and I need know how many tapes I have on each Collocation Group. Does anyone has this select? thanks --- Anderson

Strange Problem to Restore files

2008-07-15 Thread Anderson Douglas da Silva
Hi, When we try to restore any file using GUI interface and using point-in-time, we can´t find the file. But when we try using the command line the file was there available to restore. What is happening in this case. The client and the server is 5.3.5. --- Anderson

Inactive log backup from TDP LOG not removed from tsm server.

2008-07-29 Thread Anderson Douglas da Silva
does not...!!! I have old log files for several years now. --- Anderson Douglas da Silva OSY Backup/Storage Man power

granular mailbox restore TDP 6.1

2012-03-22 Thread Anderson Douglas Da Silva
I have a problem too for mailbox restore, but the msg error is: Restore Failed ACN0208E: There is not enough disk space for the operation attempted. Client TDP Version: V6.1.3 Server TSM Version: V6.2.3 Exchange 2007 Server Disk usage on Exchange, 30Gb Free on 200Gb Lun size When i restore from T