Select statement for client occupancy by management class...???

2016-04-11 Thread Dwight Cook
Does anyone have a select statement for client occupancy by management class (so I don't have to recreate the wheel)? Dwight E. Cook Technical Services Prof. Sr. TSM Delivery Architect IBM Cloud (918) 493-4678

Re: Select statement for client occupancy by management class...???

2016-04-11 Thread Efim
Do you use different storage pools for each management class? If no - it is very very difficult to calculate occupancy for each stored object because you must select from backups table. I don’t have select for do it. Efim > 11 апр. 2016 г., в 15:43, Dwight Cook написал(а): > > Does anyone hav

SQL statement

2016-04-11 Thread Loon, EJ van (ITOPT3) - KLM
Hi guys! I'm trying to create a SQL statement which should list all filespaces, along with their occupancy, with a backup date longer than 2 days ago, but only for nodes with an last access date of today or yesterday. If the node hasn't contacted the server for two days or more it's reported in

Re: Select statement for client occupancy by management class...???

2016-04-11 Thread Dwight Cook
select b.node_name,b.class_name,sum(c.file_size) from backups b,contents c where b.object_id=c.object_id and b.node_name and b.node_name in ('','','') group by b.node_name,b.class_name (don't expect it to run fast though...) Dwight E. Cook Technical Services Prof. Sr. TSM Delivery Architect

Re: SQL statement

2016-04-11 Thread Robert Talda
EJ: Are you sure the missing filespaces have data? if not, they won’t have associated occupancy records and thus won’t appear in the output. I trip over that from time to time myself Robert Talda EZ-Backup Systems Engineer Cornell University +1 607-255-8280 > On Apr 11