Today I made a test on the source sever I run:
Protect stg sourrce stg purgedata=all
Got the output:
2/23/2015 11:44:49 ANR4980I The protect storage pool process for V7000_5
is completed. Extents protected: 0 of 0. Extents deleted:
940733 of 940733. Amount
We are running TSM/EE 7.1.4 on RHEL6, and are actively migrating backups on
other primary pools to directory container pools, which are named ‘DEDUP'.
I need to count MB in the DEDUP pools by node for all pertinent nodes.
When I run ‘q occupancy ’ from an Admin command line, the logical_mb
in t
Hi Keith,
Try this:
select sum(logical_mb) from occupancy where node_name='ESAPPJ10'
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 8:50 PM, Arbogast, Warren K wrote:
> We are running TSM/EE 7.1.4 on RHEL6, and are actively migrating backups
> on other primary pools to directory container pools, which are named
> ‘DED
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for sharing that idea. It didn’t quite reveal the mystery of the
Occupancy table yet. I wonder whether new tables or new attributes have been
added for directory container pools?
tsm: TSMBL01>select sum(logical_mb) from occupancy where node_name='ESAPPPJ10'
The last suggestion is check md5 for the file:
my MD5 is (TDP for VE/7.1.4-TIV-TSMVE-Windows.zip) =
size: 1005866783
and extract files to directory with shot name (c:\VE\)
> 21 дек. 2015 г., в 19:19, Schaub, Steve написал(а):
> Thanks, but UAC was alre
Select colname from syscat.columns where tabname='OCCUPANCY" and
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Arbogast, Warren K
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 3:07 PM
Thank you for both answers. REPORTING_MB is the basic answer. And, thanks for
the select reminder.
tsm: TSMBL01>q occ esappj10
Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical
Name Pool Name Files